
Glue, White Adhesive, Synthetic Resin Adhesive, Wood Working, Vinyl Acetate
Based Adhesive, Wood Adhesives.
Introduction: Fevicol type Adhesive come
under the Category of Synthetic Resins and latex Adhesives are made from
PolyVinyl Acetate is Thermoplastic, Odorless, Tasteless, Non toxic,
essentially clear and colorless Resin.
PolyVinyl Acetate:
It has a non Crystalline and relatively branched rather than linear structure.
Most grades of Resin have somewhat broad Molecular weight Distribution. They
do not Melt but soften over a temperature range. The Resin is unaffected by
Sunlight, Ultraviolet light and air, further more it will absorb a small
amount of Water. PolyVinyl Acetate is Neutral and Non corrosive.
The Various Grades have good Heat Stability Below 100ºC, Show Slight Discoloration
at Approximately 150º and Decompose at 50ºC Show Slight Discoloration at Approximately
150ºC but Brittle at 10ºC to 15ºC. The Adhesive Industry is Currently the most
important Outlet for PolyVinyl Acetate.
Adhesives may be Synthetic or Natural:
The Term Synthetic Adhesive Means the Adhesive Which is prepared by using Synthetic
Chemical such as Synthetic Resin. PolyVinyl Acetate is now used in Adhesives for
Various Applications such as Book Binding, Paper Bag, Milk Can, Drinking Straws,
Envelopes, Gummed Tapes, and Foils etc.
Vinyl Acetate Adhesive:
The Vinyl Acetate Adhesive is also used for Lamination, Combination of two or more
Plies of Material into a Now Composite. PolyVinyl Alcohol is being imported from
countries like Germany, FRP, France, U.K, Netherlands, Japan, Hungary, Italy,
U.S.A and Belgium. Synthetic Adhesives Produced in India are mostly based on
Vinyl Acetate Monomers (V.A.M).
Vinyl Acetate Monomers:
VAM is used in from of its Various Derivatives like PolyVinyl Alcohol and PolyVinyl
Acetate, Ethyl Vinyl Acetate etc. Currently, the Major Applications of Adhesives
are in Furniture, Packaging, Automotive and Construction. Woodwork and Furniture
Sector has been the Major growth Driver for Adhesives.
Packaging is Another Industry:
That influences the Demand of Adhesives. Adhesives are Primarily required in
Making Containers and Flexible Packaging. Increasing Plastic and Polymer use
in Vehicles, in order to reduce Weight for Enhancing efficiency will most Likely
Drive Adhesives and Sealants market size.
Packaging Applications:
Packaging applications includes Carton Boxes, Envelopes, Carton Closures, Cups,
Flexible Packaging, Specialty Packaging, Bags and Disposables, PU, Water based
and hot Melts are Widely used in Packaging applications.
To Transform these into an Adhesive, they are first Washed and Soaked.
This stock is cooked in Water, Cooled and Re Cooked to break down the
collagen into raw Glue. Chemicals, such as Hydrochloric acid remove
impurities in the final stages. Further heating or drying brings the Glue
to a specific viscosity.
Adhesive made out of:
Natural Adhesives are made from Organic Sources such as Vegetable Starch,
dextrin, Natural Resins, or Animals (e.g. the Milk Protein casein and
Hide based Animal Glues. These are often referred to as bioAdhesives.
One example is a simple Paste made by Cooking Flour in Water.
What chemicals are used in Adhesives:
It is obvious modern Glues are chemical products from the horrible names
they have—polyVinyl Acetate (PVA), phenol formaldehyde (PH), ethylene Vinyl
Acetate (EVA), and Cyanoacrylate ("super Glue") to name just four.
What are the types of Adhesive:
Different Types of Glues:
White Craft Glue: This is the most common Craft Glue for Porous Lightweight
Materials such as Paper, Cardboard, Cloth, and Kids Crafts.
Yellow Wood Glue:
Super Glue also known as Cyanoacrylate Adhesives:
Hot Glue: Spray Adhesives: Fabric Adhesives: Epoxy: Polyurethane:
Difference Between Adhesive and Glue:
In Common Language, Adhesive includes various kinds of Chemicals, in Solid,
Gel or Liquid Forms, used for Sticking two things together. The term "Glue”
is Generally used for Liquid Adhesives.
How do you remove Adhesive:
Aim a Hair dryer at the Sticker Residue, turn it on, and allow the Hot air
to Loosen the Adhesive. Scrape to remove. Rubbing Alcohol (or vodka): If you
want to know how to get Sticker residue off Plastic, Wood, or Glass, one of
the most Effective Solvents that is safe for most Surfaces is Rubbing Alcohol.
What is the best Glue for Everything:
Gorilla Glue 50004 Adhesive, 4 Ounces is the best all Purpose Glue because
it is Extremely Strong. I Personally keep Gorilla Glue around at all times
because of how Tremendously Strong it Bonds things. It is Unreal. Another
Great thing about this Glue is that once the Bond dries,
it is Paintable and Stainable.
Wishing you all the best,