

Overview & Facts: Learn more about this common breathing problem, including asthma symptoms, causes, risk factors, and prevention. Asthma is a common respiratory disease. Like heart disease and diabetes, asthma is a chronic condition; however, it can be treated and managed. One important management tool is diet.

Asthma Triggers: People with asthma are over-sensitive. Irritants can be different for each individual. These irritants are called triggers. Asthma attacks can be triggered by many different sources, including:

 Allergens, Dust mites, Air pollution, Respiratory infections and colds, Exercise, Cold air, Medication, Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). By modifying their diet and eating right, they can manage symptoms caused by food allergies and GERD.

Food Allergies: When an asthma attack is caused by allergens, dust, molds, pollen and animals. Food allergies can also cause asthma.

Some foods to avoid for reducing asthma symptoms:
 Nuts, Soy, Shellfish and fish, Wheat, Sulfites, Dairy products, Eggs.

These are the are some of the most common foods that cause allergies :-

Sulfites: Sulfites are used as a preservative in foods such as: Bottled lime or lemon juice, Dried fruits or vegetables, Wine, beer, Pickled foods, Shrimp, Processed foods. If you want to avoid sulfites, look for potassium bisulfate, sodium sulfite, sulfur dioxide, sodium meta bisulfate, sodium bisulfate and potassium meta bisulfate on the food label.

Salt: People suffering from asthma may also want to avoid salt. Asthma sufferers who ate a low-salt diet can exhale more air, and need bronchiodiolator drugs less often, than those on a high-salt diet. Processed foods are also a source of sulfites. For this reason, asthma sufferers should avoid processed foods.

GERD(Gastro esophageal reflux disease): The right diet not only minimizes allergy symptoms, but can prevent as well. GERD causes heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms.

GERD can be prevented by avoiding:  Smoking, Certain foods, such as chocolate, carbonated beverages, fatty foods, caffeine, tomato sauce, mint, spicy foods and onions, Large meals, Alcohol.

Patients should talk with their doctor to get the proper medication. By eating right and avoiding food allergens, salt and other general irritants, as well as the foods and behaviors that cause GERD. Asthma sufferers can begin to manage their symptoms and lead healthier, more productive lives.

Wishing you all the best,