Avocado Fruit Farming

Avocado Fruit Farming:
Avocado fruits are also known as “Elegator Pierce”, which is mostly grown in Mexico, Peru,
India, Kenya, Persia, Chile, USA, Colombia, New Zealand, Dominican Republic, Indonesia,
Brazil and many other countries, all over the world. Avocadoes are also known as the
butter fruits is an evergreen tree of the Laureşi species.
Avocado fruit contains high fatty acid content, but it has very little cholesterol levels.
Many people avoid eating Avocado because of the high calcium contained in them because
they feel that they can gain weight by consuming it. However, compared to butter, the
amount of calories in it is very low and because of which it is known as butter fruits.
Avocado Agriculture: Featured snippet from the web Planting and Spacing in an Avocado
Fruit Farming: Plant spacing in an Avocado fruit farming depends on the cultivar and
growth habit of the plants. Generally, a plant spacing of 8 m to 10 m is recommended
in the Avocado plantation. For “Fuerte” variety, more spacing should be given due to
its spreading nature.
How long does it take for an Avocado tree to produce fruit:
If you grew your tree from an Avocado pit, it won't bear fruit until it's
at least 10 years old, and you may have to wait up to 15 years. On the other hand,
if you planted a tree from a nursery or garden center, the tree should begin to
produce a crop after three or four years.
Do you need a male and female Avocado tree to produce fruit:
The flowers of Avocado trees are perfect, because they have both male and female parts,
but both of these parts are not accessible at all times for pollination. The flowers
only open for two days. On the first day, the female part opens for two to four hours
and during this time, it can receive pollen.
How much does it cost to start an Avocado farm:
The total investment value (including labor, field power, materials, overhead cost,
land at $3,000, trees, irrigation system, building and equipment at $1,120) for the
first 5 years is as follows: Fruit credits for fourth and fifth year production at .
Flowering and pollination: A mature Avocado tree may
produce in excess of a million flowers during the flowering period, most of which fall
without producing fruit. In general, on a single tree all the open flowers will be
synchronised. That means they will be all functionally male or all functionally female.
How can you tell if an Avocado tree is male or female:
Nope. Males and females are on the same tree, in the same flower. The flowers open
first as a female, and then the next day open as a male. This ensures that the genetics
of any seed produced is a result of cross-pollination with a genetically distinct
individual of the species, and not from self-fertilization.
How close do Avocado trees need to be to pollinate: 20-30 feet.
While many Avocado trees will self-pollinate, they will fruit better if cross pollinated
with a different type. Therefore, it is advisable to plant a type A and a type B at
least 20-30 feet apart.
How long does it take a Avocado seed to sprout:
Many guides say sprouting can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, but in my experience,
it usually takes at least 8 weeks to get a sprout, so be patient. Here is the process
you will witness: The top of the Avocado pit will dry out and form a crack, and the
outer brown seed skin will slough off.
Provide protection to the Crops on the fields,
simultaneously with the fences on the sides of orchards. But, nowadays, this fruit
Crop is grown primarily as a cash Crop, almost in all types of climate conditions
and weather. There is also less capital required for growing Avocado fruit Crop and
a very good returns as good fruit production.
Crop is native to the tropical territory and is
supposed to be originated in Mexico, Central America, and nearby regions. This fruit
is single seeded which is consumed mostly for its excellent medical value. This fruit
Crop is mostly practiced in the tropical, Mediterranean and nearby regions. However,
it is also possible to grow them in all types of climatic conditions and weather.
Production: Mexico tops the list of production,
all over the world. They are able to grow up to more than 60 feets taller in heights
and have long leaves. These fruits are available in different shape such as spherical
shape, egg shape, pear shape having green and fleshy skin. Usually, these marketable
fruits have the weight ranging from 150 gm to 750 kg, depending on the cultivar,
used for cultivation.
Grafting method of the plantation is used for
Avocado fruit production. This method of the plantation is also beneficial in producing
quality, healthy and quantity production of fruits. These plants are not fully
self-pollinating plants.
Avocado fruit farming: is the best idea to start
farming as a business plan, because the start-up cost for growing Avocado is very less
than other fruit farming business plan. In addition to this, this fruit Crop also
requires low care and management for optimum production of fruits.
Huge Income: One can easily create a huge income
via growing Avocado fruit plants. Avocado fruit plant can be grown in pots, containers,
as indoor plants in addition to being grown as the commercial fruit Crop. However,
there is need of frequent replantation of these plants because these plants grow up
to more than 60 feets taller in height. So, let’s learn how to grow Avocado fruit plant
or Avocado farming or cultivation in the following section involving health benefits
of Avocado, how to plant, when to plant, up to harvesting of this fruit Crop.
Avocado Fruit: The scientific name or Botanical
Name of Avocado Fruit is “Persea Americana” and it belongs to the family “Lauraceae”
and genus “Persea”.
Does it take 9 months to grow an Avocado:
It Takes 9 Months For An Avocado To Grow From A Blossom To A Ripe Fruit.
How many times a year does an Avocado tree bear fruit:
It is possible for an Avocado tree to produce 200 to 300 fruit per tree once
it is about 5 to 7 years of age. The Avocado however, alternate bears. This means
that the tree may produce a large crop one year, and then will produce a small crop
the following year.
Health Benefits of Avocado Fruits: Avocado fruits
are full of minerals and vitamins because of which they have excellent medicinal value.
Health Benefits of Avocado: However, here below is
a list of some of the health benefits of eating Avocado fruits. Let’s learn the list:
Avocado fruit contains fibers soluble and insoluble
that is beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Avocado fruits are also
beneficial for the diabetic person. Avocado fruits are high in fatty acid but are low
in cholesterol level, so eating this fruit is also beneficial for the pregnant women,
keeping healthy and happy. Eating this fruits has an excellent result in weight loss
and weight management. Avocados are also good for keeping skin soft, fair and healthy.
Low in cholesterol level so these are helpful in
lowering the cholesterol level and also reduce the danger of stroke, These fruits are
also helpful in relieving from the arthritis diseases. These are the excellent source
of anti-oxidants, hence are beneficial for the eye health. Avocados are also helpful
in preventing certain kinds of cancers. Avocado fruits are also beneficial in
providing prevention from chronic diseases and are also good for blood regulation.
Wishing you all the best,