How broom is made

How broom is made:
Brooms have been used for centuries to sweep up, in, and around the home and workplace. They may be made from
a variety of materials, both man-made and natural. Man-made bristles are generally of extruded plastic and
metal handles. Natural-material Brooms may be constructed of a variety of materials, including brush,
but generally include stiff grasses such as Broomcorn and sotol fiber. Broomcom Brooms have been made
for at least 200 years and are considered superior Brooms. Plastic Brooms merely move dirt around,
Broomcom stalks actually absorb dirt and dust, wear extremely well, and are moisture-resistant.
Broomcom Brooms are the most expensive of the manufactured Brooms.
Examples of Brooms:
Today, the Machinery is electrically powered. Even the largest American broom factory,
the production of Broomcom Brooms is still remarkably a hand craft. A single Machine and
operator sits at a Machine and constructs a broom. The Machines, and the methods, have
not changed in over 40 years.
Raw Materials:
The material used is Broomcom, which is shipped bundled in large bales. The bundles are grouped
according to the length of the grass and color. Sotol fiber from the yucca plant may be used in
cheaper broom-corn Brooms. White metal wire, of approximately 18 gauge, is used to secure the
Broomcom and sotol to the handle. A small nail or two is used to secure the wire to the handle.
The handles are generally of wood. Imported wood of dense, heavy, coarse grain. Thick twine
is used to sew the Brooms flat using a sewing Machine. Finally, water is necessary in that
the Broomcom must be wetted completely in order to be worked.
The Manufacturing Process:
It is important to note that Brooms made from Broomcorn are made at a station, using a single
piece of Machinery. Using this Machine, Brooms are largely still assembled by hand. The process
described below is used by the largest manufacturer of Brooms.
Quality Control:
Broomcom is carefully graded so that the manufacturer understands the quality of the product that
is shipped in the bale. Broomcorn is categorized by length and by color, with the brown-red
Broomcorn considered inferior. Inferior Broomcom may be used on the inside of the broom close
to the handle and the operator ensures that the inferior product remains out of sight.
Machinery must be in good shape as well. Each individual broom-making Machine is maintained,
and the craftsman at each Machine knows instantly when the Machine is amiss.
Wishing you all the best,