Call Center

Call Center:
Airtel, Idea, BSNL Companies are Maintaining Call Centers for their Customer Services
and to Clear their Doubts. E-Commerce Websites like Amazon, Flipkart, Snap Deal Companies
are also Maintaining Call Centers to Clear their Customers Doubts and about information.
Manufacturing Companies:
Very big Manufacturing Companies are also Maintaining Call Centers to Clear the Doubts
and Existing Status about their Products to Distributors, Wholesellers, Retailers and
Directly to their Customers also.
Frizes, Coolers, Acs, Washing Machine etc., State Wise Dealers are also Maintianing
Call Centers for their Customers Services, especially about their Service Engineers
Details in their Local area, about installations.
Call Centers:
Like wise, so many Companies will maintain Call Centers for their own purposes.
SpecifiCally Call Centers, need not in Basic Centers, It can be in Office premises or
in Home. 50% of Call Centers will be in out-skirts of the city, to save Rentals and
Maintenance. Some Companies will maintain Call Centers in their Houses in Out of City Area.
Certain Companies will give their Call Center Services to 3rd Party Organizations.
So they can Maintain in home itself. It is Profitable, because some Types of Services
will not be Target based, only Service based, If Services are good, they will get their
Contract amount. Some Will get Annually or Monthly acording to their Capability and
Confidence. So If you have interest in this, it is Highly Profitable and Comfortable
also. If you are having Systems with internet Facility, that is enough.
How to get these works: You can get in google Search
Engine, by typing Search String Call Center Requirements, then you can get, lot of
Opportunities according to your availability and Capability. Some will get Opportunities
through News Papers and Adds.
What are the types of Call Center:
The three Major Classifications of Call Centers are inbound, outbound, and automated.
Businesses use these three types of Call Centers for various product or Service needs
that require an increased amount of Customer Service.
How does a Call Center operate:
A Call Center is run by a Company that either offers incoming product support or can
offer information to Consumers with Questions. Outgoing Calls for Telemarketing, product
Services, and Debt Collection are also made at Call Centers on a Regular basis.
What is CSR in a Call Center:
A Call Center agent is a person who handles incoming or outgoing Customer Calls
for a Business. Other names for a Call Center agent include Customer Service
Representative (CSR), Contact Center Agent, Telephone Sales or Service Representative (TSR),
Attendant, Associate, Operator, Account executive or Team member.
What is Call Center or BPO:
A Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Organisation is Responsible for Performing
a Process or a part of a Process of another Business Organisation; Outsourcing is
Done to save on Costs or gain in Productivity. A Call Centre Performs that part of
a client Business which involves Handling Telephone Calls.
How many hours does a Call Center agent work:
Considering the work of an agent is primarily Phone based, most Call Centers require
agents to work eight or nine hour hour Shifts, Depending on Company Policy, State law
and Location.
What is ACW in a Call Center:
After Call work (ACW) is one of the most important responsibilities when working
in a Call Center. It refers to the tasks required from a Customer Service Representative
after a Call has ended and how long it takes for a Representative to complete their
Post Call tasks.
How is AHT calculated:
Average Handle time, or AHT, is an important Call Center Metric. To Calculate AHT,
add your total Talk time + total Hold time + total after Call Tasks, and then Divide
by the number of total Calls. That is your average handle time.
What is Call Center Matrix:
Customer Service is a Cornerstone of most Businesses, a Large Part of what keeps
Customers Loyal or Sends them running for the Competition. For years, Businesses
have used Metrics to Measure their Call Center Operations, such as number of Calls
answered, Length of Call and Call resolution.
Whats KPI stand for: Key Performance Indicator.
A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how
effectively a Company is achieving key Business Objectives. Organizations use KPIs
to Evaluate their success at reaching targets. Once you have selected your key Business
Metrics, you will want to Track them in a Real time Reporting tool.
What are the Quality Parameters in a Call Center:
For contact Centers, common Quality assurance Metrics include: Average Speed of
Answering (ASA), First-Call Resolution (FCR), Average Handle Time (AHT), Customer
Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Net Promoter ScoreSM (NPS), and Customer Effort Score (CES).
What are the 7 major HR activities:
These Human resource Functions are expressed as under:
Job analysis and job design:
Recruitment and selection of Retail Employees:
Training and Development:
Performance Management:
Compensation and Benefits:
Labor Relations:
Managerial Relations:
What are the 5 main areas of HR:
In Short, Human resource activities Fall under the following Five Core Functions:
Staffing, Development, Compensation, Safety and Health, and Employee and Labor Relations.
Within each of these core Functions, HR conducts a Wide variety of activities.
Wishing you all the best,