FMCG Carry Forward Agent

What is FMCG: Fast Moving Consumer Goods. Those are manufacturing companies
relating to consumer goods, for Example Surf packets, House Cleaning Items, Home products etc. Nowadays FMCG is
fast growing industry.
In one Word FMCG is a manufacturing industry: Generally they will maintain
one head office. They will keep all their manufacturing goods in that office. Finally they will give a Paper Add
for “Carry Forward Agents”.
Who are Carry Forward Agents: Carry Forward agents will deposit 1 or 2 lakhs
in that Head office. Equivalent to that deposit, they will get goods and pricelist (MRP). They have to distribute
their goods in to the given area to them. For that they will get commission form 5% to 10%.
Fast moving consumer goods “Carry Forward Agents” can select among the manufacturing products of the company. According
to the increasing sales & goods, deposit will raises upto 10 Lakhs also, so their income will be 1 Lakh per month.
One advantage in FMCG is goods delivery, Van or truck charges, delivery boys charges
are the risk of the head office. Being a “Carry Forward Agent” your risk is getting orders, quick and safe delivery
and amount collection periodically. Managing delivery team is also his risk only.
Company will never worry about, how much you delivered and how much you get from them.
Because they delivered the goods according to your deposit amount. So they will not worry about deliveries and amount.
That is the risk of “Carry Forward Agent”.
“Carry Forward Agents” are getting in lakhs now, those who are in good companies.
How to get the job as “Carry Forward Agent”: You can see in news papers and
in adds also, while seeing those, you can consult them, in one mean , it is not a job.
It is your own independent service, you can do in your own time. Generally CFA
Agents will work from Morning 9 to 12 only, remaining time they will be engaged in their own works and process.
Wishing you all the best,