Cleaning Chemicals

Cleaning Chemicals
Cleaning chemicals are used in the Cleaning industry. They are useful for washing
utensils, hard surfaces, cloths and toilets. The chemical could be liquid, soap
or a powdery substance. You need to choose a specific type of product and formulate.
Knowledge of Cleaning chemical manufacturing is essential. The type of equipment,
chemicals and solutions depends on the chemical you want to produce.
What chemicals are in Cleaning:
Common Cleaning agents.
Water, the most common Cleaning agent, which is a very powerful polar solvent.
Soap or detergent, Ammonia solution.
Calcium Hypochlorite (powdered Bleach).
Citric acid, Sodium Hypochlorite (liquid Bleach).
Sodium hydroxide (lye).
Acetic acid (Vinegar).
What are the 4 categories of Cleaning agents:
There are four main types of Cleaning agents used in commercial kitchens:
Detergents, Degreasers, Abrasives, Acids.
What is the safest Cleaning product:
6 Cleaning Products That Are Safe to Use Throughout the House.
Honest Essentials Bundle. Give yourself peace of mind by Cleaning your entire
home with gentle products from The Honest Co.
Real Simple Clean Lavender Dish Soap.
Mrs, Aunt Fannie's Cleaning Vinegar Wipes.
Better Life All Purpose Cleaner.
Purell Multi Surface Disinfectant Spray.
What is the best homemade Cleaning solution:
Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner. 3/4 cup hydrogen peroxide.
1/2 cup distilled white Vinegar. 1 teaspoon unscented liquid Castile soap.
10 drops tea tree oil. 20 drops lavender essential oil. 2 cups water.
What household Cleaning products can kill you:
Bleach and Ammonia = Toxic Chloramine Vapor. Bleach and ammonia are two common
household Cleaners that should never be mixed.
Bleach and rubbing alcohol = Toxic chloroform.
Bleach and Vinegar = Toxic Chlorine Gas.
Vinegar and Peroxide = Paracetic Acid.
Peroxide and Henna Hair Dye = Hair Nightmare.
What is the most dangerous household chemical:
5 Most Dangerous Household Chemicals.
Ammonia. Ammonia fumes are a powerful irritant, potentially harming your skin, eyes,
nose, lungs and throat.
Bleach. Another useful but dangerous Cleaner, Bleach also has strong corrosive
properties that can do serious damage to the human body.
Antifreeze, Drain Cleaners, Air Fresheners.
What are the examples of Cleaning materials:
There are basic specialised Cleaning products, which should be in your Cleaning
cupboard, as they are likely to solve most of your Cleaning issues:
Bleach, Toilet Cleaner, Bathroom Cleaner, Anti-bacterial Cleaner,
Window Cleaner, Floor Cleaner, Laundry detergent, Fabric softener.
Which of these is the most powerful Cleaner:
Acids. Acid Cleaners are the most powerful type of Cleaning agent and should be
used with care. If they are not diluted correctly, acid Cleaners can be very
poisonous and corrosive.
What is the best natural disinfectant:
Natural Disinfectants!
1: Alcohol. 2: Borax. 3: Citric Acid (Lemon) 4: Steam Cleaner. 5: Hydrogen Peroxide.
Honorable Mention: Thymol (Thyme Oil).
What is the best natural bathroom Cleaner:
If not, there are other natural options that work great too: A 50/50 Vinegar/water
solution will clean tile, counters, cabinet fronts and soap scum in the Shower.
A baking soda and water paste will clean stuck on gunk in the Shower and
tub (use Vinegar instead of water for really tough stains).
How do you make homemade antibacterial Cleaner:
For an antibacterial Cleaner, mix together 3 cups of water, ½ cup of white
Vinegar and 10-15 drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil in a glass
spray bottle. Shake to mix. Store with the lid on and use on cutting boards,
counter tops, or anywhere that needs a good germ killing!
What is the best kitchen Cleaning product:
Clorox Clean Up Disinfectant Bleach Cleaner.
Lysol Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner (Trigger), 22.0 Ounces.
Fabuloso Multi-Use Cleaner Ocean Paradise.
CVS Cleaner with Bleach.
Seventh Generation Natural Glass & Surface Cleaner, Free & Clear.
S.O.S Steel Wool Soap Pads.
S.O.S. Clean 'n Toss Small Size Pads.
What Cleaning products do professional Cleaners use:
8 Cleaning Products That Professionals Swear By.
All-Purpose Cleaner. 1/8. Microfiber Cloths. 2/8.
White Vinegar. 3/8. Baking Soda. 4/8.
Tub and Tile Cleaner. 5/8. Glass and Surface Cleaner. 6/8.
Versatile Vacuum. 7/8. Rubber Gloves. 8/8.
Wishing you all the best,