
Computer Assembling:
1: Procuring Parts. First you will Need to buy the Parts Necessary to build the Computer.
2: Gather Tools and Supplies. 3: Open the Case.
4: Prepare the Case for Assembly. 5: Ground Yourself.
6: Install Motherboard. 7: Install Hard Drive. 8: Install Optical Drive.
Parts Needed to assemble a Computer: Central
Processing Unit (CPU)
Motherboard — aka, Mobo or Mainboard Memory (RAM)
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) — aka, Graphics card.
Storage — SSD and/or HDD. Power Supply Unit (PSU)
System Cooling — CPU Cooling and Chassis Airflow. Case. Monitor.
The CPU is made up of three main Parts:
Control Unit this part Controls the input and output Devices. Arithmetic Logic
Unit this is the part that does all the Working out: it does all the Maths and
Makes the Decisions. Immediate Access Store this is the Memory available for
Programmes and data.
Does a Computer Need a Graphics Card:
Not required if you are not using Games. If you want to run Games on your PC then
you will Need a Processor with an Integrated Graphics Processing Unit (or iGPU for short).
How much RAM I Need: Generally for common users
4GB is enough. If you want to do more Applications, Programming, Processing, Remote
Applications are there then you must use 8GB RAM.
What are Output devices:
Monitor (LED, LCD, CRT etc), Printers (all types), Plotters, Projector.
LCD Projection Panels, Computer Output Microfilm (COM), Speaker(s), Head Phone.
Setting: For Computer Assembling, you should
have Minimum Training of 6 months. Then only you will be in the Condition to do
independently. In the Computer Mother Board Setting, SMPS Setting, Hard Disk
Setting, RAM Setting, DVD writer Setting, Bulb indicators Fitting, all these
are good art to work, in this Skill and Patience is important.
Computer assembling: Profitable Business
in the Industry. However, you will Need to invest Substantial Capital. You can
Source the Parts from Domestic Markets. Otherwise, you can also import those
items from the Foreign Manufacturers. China is a very Renowned Market for
this Type of items.
How to Assemble a Basic Desktop PC:
Step 1: Procuring Parts. First you will Need to buy the Parts
necessary to build the Computer.
Step 2: Gather Tools and Supplies.
Step 3: Open the Case.
Step 4: Prepare the Case for Assembly.
Step 5: Ground Yourself.
Step 6: Install Motherboard.
Step 7: Install Hard Drive.
Step 8: Install Optical Drive.
Procuring Parts:
Processor (CPU).
2. Computer Case.
3. Optical Drive (DVD RW and SATA capable).
4. Memory (RAM).
5. Power Supply.
6. SATA Cables.
7. Motherboard (SATA Capable).
8. Processor Fan.
9. Case Fan.
10. Hard Drive (SATA Capable).
11. Assortment of case and drive screws (Not Pictured).
Gather Tools and Supplies:
Screwdriver (for slotted and Phillips head screws).
Wire cutters and Strippers. Needle-Nosed Pliers.
Utility Knife. Small Flashlight. Adjustable Wrench.
Small Container to Hold Screws. Heat Sink Compound.
Grounding Strap.
Open the Case,Prepare the Case for Assembly, Install Motherboard.
What is Computer Assemble:
A Custom Built or Homebuilt computer is a computer Assembled from available
Components, usually Commercial off the shelf (COTS) components, rather than
Purchased as a complete system from a Computer System Supplier, also known
as pre built systems.
Can I Assemble my own PC:
That is just about the only equipment you will need. The PC parts you buy
should ship with just about everything you need for example, the PSU will
come with its own Power Cable. First, fit the PSU into the case, then screw
in the Motherboard. Next, add the CPU, RAM, Hard drive, and Graphics Card
if you have bought one.
How do you put a Desktop Computer together:
Gather What You Need to Build a PC.
Open Case and Prepare for Installation.
Mount Additional Case Fans (Optional).
Prepare Motherboard for Out of Case Installation.
Insert Processor Onto Motherboard.
Mount Heatsink and Fan On Motherboard.
Insert Memory Into Motherboard.
Insert M.2 SSD Onto Motherboard.
How do you Assemble a computer for beginners:
PC Building Tips for Beginners:
Before you do Anything, Determine the Purpose of your build.
Pick a side: Intel or AMD.
Consider a Cooler with Thermal Paste included.
Make sure all the Components you buy are Compatible with one another and your budget.
Open each Component carefully.
No Socks on a Carpet.
Keep the Band-Aids close.
How long do you want the Computer to last:
Five to Eight years. For most desktop PCs:
You can expect a minimum three-year Lifespan.
Most computers survive five to eight years, Depending on the upgrading
Components. Maintenance is also Critical, as dust is very Problematic
for PC Components.
Wishing you all the best,