How to reduce Cough and Cold

Natural Home Remedies for Cough Cold.

How to reduce Cough and Cold: While a cough that won’t go away can be caused by something other than a cold (e.g., bronchitis, sinusitis, allergies, pneumonia), for many, a nagging cough can linger around for up to three weeks after the other symptoms of a cold have passed.
Use a humidifier: Running a humidifier moisturizes the air, which helps sooth inflamed respiratory track tissues. A cool mist humidifier, works fine. Uses less energy than a warm mist humidifier, and prevents the risk of anyone getting burned.

Dairy products are known to increase the build-up of mucus, which is the last thing we need to do while trying to rid our bodies of phlegm.

Water: Staying well-hydrated is always a good thing, optimizing our bodies’ functioning, including our immune systems. While both warm and cool water can sooth raw throats, cool water has the added benefit of slightly reducing swelling.

Eat honey: Quality raw honey is anti-viral and anti-bacterial, and can be eaten by itself, in tea, or used in a number of remedies for coughs and colds. Night time coughing was reduced in children who took the honey.

Try these natural remedies:
• Ginger and garlic are both having powerful medicinal properties, including the ability to help relieve coughs. You can chew on either one of these raw. Boiling either freshly sliced ginger or a few cloves of garlic in water to make a tea. Drink this 2-3 times daily.
• Over a low flame, heat chopped onion mixed with a generous dose of honey. When warm, take a spoonful of mixture or just honey and hold it in the back of your throat.

• Eat a spoonful of raw honey with some chopped garlic
• Eat a spoonful of raw honey mixed with a pinch of ground white or black pepper several times a day.
To be sure that your prolonged coughing isn’t a symptom of a more serious condition, visit a trusted doctor.

Wishing you all the best,

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