Cucumber Vegetable Farming
Cucumber Vegetable Farming

Cucumber Vegetable Farming: The scientific name of the Cucumber is Cucumis sativus.
Cucumber comes in the gourd family. It is a short duration Crop. You can harvest Cucumber after 3 to 4 months
from the plantation. It is a climbing plant which is used as summer Vegetable.
The Cucumber fruit is eaten raw or is served as a salad or cooked as a Vegetable. The seeds of Cucumber are used
for oil extraction which is good for body and brain. Cucumbers contain 96% water which is good in summer season.
Cucumber is an excellent source of Mb (Molybdenum) and Vitamin K. Cucumber is used to cure skin problems, heart
problems and used as alkalizer.
Cucumber Agriculture: Featured snippet from the web.
Cucumber can be grown in wide varieties of soils from sandy loam soils to clay soils
with good drainage. Make sure the soil contains organic matter by adding organic compost
or any Farm Yard Manure (FMY) for higher yield. Soil pH should be between 5.5 and 6.7
is favorable for optimum growth.
Soil: Loamy soil which is rich in organic matter and has well drainage system is best for the Cucumber
farming. The pH ranging from 6-7 is suited best for Cucumber farming.
Land Preparation: For Cucumber plantation, it requires well prepared and weed free field. To bring soil to fine
tilth, 3-4 ploughings must be done before planting. FYM such as cow during is mixed with soil to enrich the field.
Then nursery beds are prepared having width of 2.5m and at the distance of 60cm.
Sowing: Time of sowing: It is sown in the month of February-March.
Spacing: Sow two seeds per place of bed which is 2.5m wide and use spacing of 60cm between seeds.
Sowing depth: Seeds are sown at the depth of 2-3cm.
Method of Sowing: Low tunnel technology: This technology is used to produce early yield of Cucumber in early summer.
It helps to protect the Crop from cold season i.e. in the month of December and January. Beds of 2.5m width are sown
in the month of December. Seeds are sown both sides of the bed at the distance of 45cm.
Before sowing supportive rods of 45-60cm length are fixed in the soil. Cover the field with plastic sheet
(100 gauge thickness) with the help of support rods. Plastic sheet should be removed mainly in the month
of February when temperature is suitable outside. Dibbling method, Basing method, Layout in ring method.
Seed Rate: Seed rate of 1.0 kg is sufficient for one
acre of land.
Seed treatment: Before sowing seeds, treat them
with the suitable chemical to protect them from disease and pests and to increase
viability. Seeds are treated with Captan@2gm before sowing.
Weed Control: Weed can be controlled by hand-hoeing and also controlled by chemically, use glyphosate@1.6litre
per 150 litre of water. Use glyphosate only on weeds not on Crop plants.
Irrigation: In summer season it requires frequent irrigation and in rainy season it does not require any irrigation.
In total it requires 10-12 irrigations. Pre-irrigation is required before sowing then subsequent irrigation is
required after 2-3 days of sowing. After second sowing, the Crops are then irrigated at the interval of 4-5 days.
Drip irrigation is very useful for this Crop.
Harvesting: Plants start yielding in about 45-50 days after sowing. Mainly 10-12 harvestings can be done.
Harvesting is mainly done when the seed of Cucumber are soft and the fruits are green and young. Harvesting
is done with the help of sharp knife or any sharp object. It gives an average of 33-42qtl/acre of yield.
Seed Production: Brown color fruits are best for seed production. Fruit pulp is taken out in fresh water
for 1-2 days for the easy separation of seeds. The seeds are then rubbed with hands and as a result
heavy seeds will settle down in water and then they are preserved for further use.
Is cucumber farming profitable:
On the prospects from his farm, he revealed: “A farm like mine costs about N600,000 per
hectare. If one is planting cucumbers, from a hectare, you should make nothing less
than N2 million in three months. That is if it is done right. It has been achieved
by a lot of people I have consulted for here in Nigeria.
How many tons of cucumbers harvest per acre:
Revenue. It is assumed that one acre of land will yield 500 bags of 40kg each (20 tonnes)
of fresh cucumbers after 3 months. In the open market in Nigeria, fresh cucumbers are
sold in bags.
How many cucumbers do you get per plant: Cucumber Production.
Generally, a healthy pickling cucumber plant produces about 5 pounds of cucumbers per
plant. If you plant cucumbers for slicing and eating fresh, plan on growing about
2 to 3 plants per person in your household; healthy plants generally grow 10,
6-ounce cucumbers per plant.
Are cucumbers easy to grow:
They are very easy to grow and are very prolific. Planted in a section of the garden
that receives full sun and has an evenly moist, fertile soil, success in growing
cucumbers is almost guaranteed. ... Bush cucumber varieties like 'Sald Bush',
Bush Champion' and 'Picklebush' can be grown in containers.
What is best fertilizer for cucumbers:
Feed container cucumbers by mixing compost with your potting soil. You can also add
a timed-released, low-nitrogen, high-potassium pelleted fertilizer with a N-P-K ratio
similar to 2-3-6. Apply 1 tablespoon per pot at planting, and again when you see
the first true leaves on your cucumbers.
How much water does a cucumber plant need per day:
Cucumbers typically need 1 to 2 inches of water each week. The plants may require
no irrigation when rainfall supplies the required amount of moisture. Feeling the
soil before irrigating is a more reliable method of supplying sufficient moisture
than sticking to a rigid watering schedule.
How many cucumbers does one cucumber plant produce: Cucumber Production.
Generally, a healthy pickling cucumber plant produces about 5 pounds of cucumbers
per plant. If you plant cucumbers for slicing and eating fresh, plan on growing
about 2 to 3 plants per person in your household; healthy plants generally grow 10,
6-ounce cucumbers per plant.
How long do cucumber plants keep producing:
Bush cucumber plants grow more compactly, don't send out long vines and produce
their fruit all at once, usually within 40 to 50 days. Smaller cucumbers, such as
pickling, ripen more quickly, in some cases as early as 40 days, and the plants
reach peak production sooner than plants that produce longer cucumbers.
What is the best time to plant cucumber: Planting Time.
Cucumbers are warm-season crops that don't tolerate frost. In mild climates with long
growing seasons, plant them outdoors between April and June. In very warm climates,
plant cucumbers as early as February or March through July.
What is the best way to grow cucumbers: Give Them Sunlight and Good Soil.
For the best-tasting fruit and optimum yields, grow plants in a sunny spot and in warm,
fertile, and well-drained soil rich in organic matter. Raised beds are ideal. Cucumbers
require a soil pH between 6 and 7.
How high will cucumbers climb:
Different varieties of cucumbers will grow to various heights vertically, therefore,
research the species you are going to plant and match the cucumber trellis height
to the recommended height. Most common cucumber varieties can easily be trained
to grow up a trellis that is 5 to 6 feet tall.
Should you water cucumbers everyday: Keep Your Cucumbers Hydrated.
Cucumbers are vigorous growers and therefore need between 1 and 2 inches of water per week,
depending on the weather and the characteristics of your soil. ... Water deeply about
once or twice a week — and more often if you're gardening in sandy soil.
Can cucumbers grow vertically:
Growing cucumbers vertically frees ground space for other plants, and you can harvest
your crop without stooping. ... Select regular, long-vine varieties for a vertical
garden – bush cucumbers do not climb or have vining characteristics.
What is the life cycle of a cucumber:
70 Days after planting a cucumber plant will have produced 12-16 (average) cucs and
the vines will turn brown and quit. This is the normal life-cycle for a cucumber plant.
To ensure cucumbers until fall, use succession planting. About a month after I sow my
first set of cucumber seeds, I'll plant another crop.
How do cucumbers grow best:
For the best-tasting fruit and optimum yields, grow plants in a sunny spot and in warm,
fertile, and well-drained soil rich in organic matter. Raised beds are ideal. Cucumbers
require a soil pH between 6 and 7.
Do cucumbers need trellis:
Cucumbers have two different growth habits: bush and vine. Bush varieties are compact
and do not require a trellis. They are ideal for growing in containers or small
raised beds. Vining cucumbers produce more fruit, but they require a larger space
than bush varieties.
Wishing you all the best,