Detergent Powder

Detergent Powder:
Mixing ingredients in right formula. Detergent powders are also known as
synthetic detergent and these are the surfactants. The Detergent powder is
one of the segments of the FMCG market. Varieties of detergent available
in the market with different active ingredients and other components.
Business Plan For Detergent Powder Manufacturing:
Write a business plan from Processing to marketing including budget.
Detergent powder normally 4 major groups:
1 Heavy duty detergent, 2 Light duty detergent, 3 Phosphate free detergent powder,
4 Fabric soft detergent powder. Decide which one you will be processing. Have a
detailed project report. Consult small business professionals in this field.
Register your business: Register your business
as SSI Unit. It will help you in getting Government Subsidy. Obtain Trade License
of your establishment from the local authority. Apply for ‘Consent to Establish’
and ‘Consent to Operate’ both from Pollution Control Board. For quality control,
have BIS registration Choose a name for your detergent powder. Protect the brand
name by registering Trade Mark.
Raw Materials: Find the supplier for raw materials.
Detergent powder manufacturing formulations essentially consist of active ingredients,
STPP, Filler such as sodium sulphate and silicate. You will also need to gather
Glauber’s salt, talc, color, paraffin wax etc.
Detergent Powder Manufacturing: Process includes
the steps of Spray Drying, Dry mixing, agglomeration or combinations of these methods.
* In the Spray Drying process, first combined into a slurry, or thick suspension,
in a tank called a Crutcher.
* Slurry is heated and then pumped to the top of a tower where it is Sprayed through
nozzles under high pressure to produce small droplets. The droplets fall through a
current of hot air, forming hollow granules as they Dry.
* The dried granules are collected from the bottom of the Spray tower and are screened
to achieve a relatively uniform size.
* After the granules cooled, heat sensitive ingredients that are not compatible with
the Spray Drying temperatures (such as enzymes, bleach and fragrance) are added.
* Spray Drying produces relatively low-density powders. Technology enabled the
soap and detergent industry to reduce the air inside the granules during Spray
Drying to achieve higher densities.
Density powders can be packed in much smaller packages:
Agglomeration, leads to density powders, blending Dry raw materials with liquid
ingredients. By the presence of a liquid rolling, binder or shear mixing causes
the ingredients to collide and adhere to each other, forming larger particles.
To blend Dry raw materials, Dry mixing or Dry blending is used. Small quantities of
liquids may also be added.
Detergent Powder Promotion:
Durable packaging and a catchy name will add extra value to your marketing efforts.
Ensure that your product is available at the retail counter within the area you
are catering. Establish distributor-dealer network. Do some outdoor media activity.
Company website is important. It speaks a lot about your company. Offer lucrative
schemes to your distributors.
Wishing you all the best,