Dream to get a Degree

Dream to get a Degree
Dream to get a Degree: In our village one home
servant is there. His son is so handsome; his words are attractive to neighbors.
All are encouraged her to put his son to school for studies.
He went to school up to 7th class: in 8th class
his mother expired by poverty. His father is worker in quarry. He passed 7th class
in first class. By the family responsibility, he stopped his studies;
He is also gone to do for working as a worker:
But in his inner mind, he is having so much of feeling that he is not able
to study further.
For his position he cannot go to school on regular base:
Even though he is having thinking, for his future studies, English and Mathematics
are must. So with his earnings, he used to go to tuition for 8th class then 9th
class then 10th class.
Finally he is not eligible to apply for 10th exams:
Then he planned to apply for matriculation, he passed that in first class. His
masters also encouraged him by giving some consideration in his tuition fees and exams.
Again he worked as worker 5 years: In these
5 years he worked in carpentry work. He gained good skill in that work. Actually
his dream is, he wants to become a graduate that is his dream.
So he wrote for entrance exam for Direct B.Com:
in Ambedkar University. He passed that, in correspondence he completed his commerce
graduation, but he did not leave his carpentry work in day time. With his earnings
he joined in M.Com also in the same University in correspondence course,
he passed that in First Class.
By his qualification and commitment:
He got a job in a private company as an accountant, he grown up in the same
company, finally he completed his CA (Chartered Accountancy) also. By seeing
his interest his management also co-operated him for his leaves.
Now he is Chartered Accountant:
He is having the demand in other companies for Rs. 50,000 salary, even
though he did not leave that company, because of their encouragement
in that company.
For the time being: His company management
made him as chief accounts Officer. Finally he fulfilled his dream, he will say
one word, and GOD is towards to me for my interest and commitment.
Wishing you all the best,