Dye Production

Dye Production:
Dyes are synthesized in a reactor, filtered, dried, and blended with other additives
to produce the final product. In general, organic compounds such as naphthalene are
reacted with an acid or an alkali along with an intermediate (such as a nitrating
or a sulfonating compound) and a solvent to form a dye mixture.
What is the process of Dyeing:
A Dyeing process is the interaction between a dye and a fibre, as well as the
movement of dye into the internal part of the fibre. Generally, a Dyeing process
involves absorption (transfer of Dyes from the aqueous solution onto the fibre
surface) and diffusion (Dyes diffused into the fibre).
Cmmon method of Dyeing Fabrics:
The Dyeing of cloth after it is being woven or knitted is known as piece Dyeing.
It is the most common method of Dyeing used. The various methods used for this
type of Dyeing include jet Dyeing. Jig Dyeing, pad Dyeing and beam Dyeing.
Types of Dyes are listed below:
Acid Dyes, Natural Dyes, Basic (Cationic) Dyes, Synthetic Dyes, Direct (substantive)
Dyes. Disperse Dyes, Sulfur Dyes, Pigment Dyes.
Yarn Dyeing or piece Dyeing:
However, a good yarn Dyeing process, which will result in a uniform color on the
entire length of the yarn, is more complex to develop. For a Fabric with a uniform
color, piece dyed is better because it is easier to achieve a uniform color.
The entire surface of the Fabric is exposed to the dye bath in the same way.
Chemicals are used to dye clothes:
Some types of synthetic Dyes include: Acid: Acid-based Dyes are used mostly on
nylons and wool. Sulfur: These Dyes are combines with caustic soda and water
to color clothing, but they lighten quickly. Reactive: These Dyes only dye
clothing as a reaction to certain fibers, and are best used on silk,
wool, and acrylics.
Can clothes give you cancer:
This dye cannot be washed out of Fabric and is easily absorbed into human skin.
With long-term exposure, it can cause cancer. The health risks of clothing do not
stop in the manufacturing process. Depending on the Laundry products you use,
you may be coating your clothes with even more cancer-causing chemicals.
Dye made from:
The majority of natural Dyes are derived from plant sources: roots, berries, bark,
leaves, wood, fungi and lichens. Most Dyes are synthetic, i.e., are man-made from
Materials can be dyed:
These include the likes of silk, wool, cashmere and mohair. For the most part,
however, natural Fabrics are the ideal dye candidate so you can dye your cotton
shirts, canvas shoes and linen anything with unbridled abandon.
Natural Fabrics: Cotton, Linen, Viscose,
Denim, Flax, Jute, Ramie, Canvas.
Examples of natural Dyes:
Natural Dyes. Natural Dyes are obtained from natural sources. Most are of plant
origin and extracted from roots, wood, bark, berries, lichens, leaves, flowers,
nuts, and seeds. Others come from insects, shellfish, and mineral compounds.
Leather Dyes, clothe Dyes and hair Dyes:
Are all products in the chemical industry. If you are looking for a profitable and
thriving business to start in the chemical industry, then one of your options is
to go into the production of Dyes.
Dyes are one of the chemical compositions:
Just ensure that you produce Dyes that are used for different purpose, if your
products are well packed, to gain your share of the available market. Dyes are
one of the chemical compositions. Do not touch your eyes or the mouth with dye
colors, otherwise, they can cause disaster. This is one of the reasons, to get
all the required certifications and trainings before going into this business.
Wishing you all the best,