Electrical Wiring

Electrical Wiring:
After construction of buildings, next work is electrical wiring. It will also become
a part of construction industry, it is also profitable business, if you do yourself
this profit is very good, even though in large constructions it is not possible to
do with single persons, you should deploy with you two or more persons, according
to your available work.
Have Practical Experience:
Basically if you have an Electrical diploma or engineering, it will become a plus
to you. Even though without practical experience, you cannot go further. So get
at least one year of experience under one group and then you can start independently.
Start your service Individually:
If you start it yourself individually or with one or two person under you, will
become an individual service, so you need not get any license or permission.
Otherwise, if you want to start with a big team like a limited company, it is
better to take licenses from local authorities.
Marketing: You should maintain visiting cards,
distribute to local construction companies, builders and to realtors, shopping
malls, market centers etc. Then you will get good orders for Electrical Wiring.
What colors are electrical wires:
Electrical wire colors do matter Green, green with a yellow stripe, or bare copper.
These are ground wires that keep you, your appliances, and your home safe from
electrical fires.
Black indicates a hot or live wire that's carrying a current and is used for power
in all circuits.
Red, Blue & Yellow, White or Gray.
What are the types of wiring:
Electrical wiring system is classified into five Categories:
Cleat wiring, Casing wiring, Batten wiring, Conduit wiring, Concealed wiring.
How is electrical wiring done in a house:
Most homes have three-wire service—two hot wires and one Neutral. Electrical utilities
deliver electricity through a masthead at the roof. Wires continue through the meter
to the main panel. Throughout the house, one hot wire and one Neutral wire power
conventional 120-volt lights and appliances.
What if I have two black wires:
Black means hot, white signifies Neutral, and green indicates ground. However,
if you need to rewire a light switch or a plug socket, you may occasionally come
across two black wires. It's essential that you determine which black wire is hot
before proceeding.
What are the 3 types of wires:
The electric power line enters our house through three wires- namely the live wire,
the Neutral wire and the earth wire. To avoid confusion we follow a colour code
for insulating these wires. The red wire is the live wire, and the black wire
is Neutral. The earth wire is given green plastic insulation.
What are the materials used in house wiring:
Electrical wire is made of materials like copper, aluminium and silver. As silver
is expensive, mostly copper and aluminium are used in wiring. It is a good conductor
of electricity.
Is a house AC or DC:
In direct current (DC), the electric charge (current) only flows in one direction.
Electric charge in alternating current (AC), on the other hand, changes direction
periodically. Most homes are wired for AC, so if you plan to connect your
Tardis music box project to an outlet, you will need to convert AC to DC.
What are the three wires coming into my house:
There are three wires coming to your house. The one in the middle (so ta speak)
is called the common. On each side of that wire are 110 volt wires - 110 volts
is measured between that wire and the common. If you measure across the two
outside wires you will get 220 volts.
How are houses wired series or Parallel:
Generally house wired in Parallel because, In a house, there are many electrical
appliances that have to run independent of each other. This is not possible if all
the appliances were connected in a series arrangement as there would be
one switch that either switches all of them on or off.
Why is DC not used in homes:
Large transformers are used to run transmission lines at high voltages in order
to keep losses to a minimum. But high voltage is dangerous, particularly to life,
so bringing it into a house would not be an acceptable risk. DC arcs do not "quench"
as easily (because voltage does not go through zero).
Are batteries AC or DC:
Batteries are DC; they generate voltage in only one direction, and they have
a polarity of positive and negative. Household AC voltage is created by
spinning turbines. But there are some power packs that simply drop the
voltage down withOUT converting it to DC. It is still AC, and that is
what your pedal requires.
Wishing you all the best,