Electrostatic Separator

An electrostatic separator is a device for separating particles by mass in a low energy charged beam.
An example is the electrostatic precipitator used in coal-fired power plants to treat exhaust gas,
removing small particles that cause air pollution.
Electrostatic separation is a process that uses electrostatic charges to separate crushed particles of material.
An industrial process used to separate large amounts of material particles, electrostatic separating is most
often used in the process of sorting mineral ore.
The principle of separation is that as the particles to be treated are passed through an intense electric
field each particle acquires a charge. The conductors pass on their charge when emerging from the field
while the non-conductors retain theirs momentarily.
Electrostatic smoke precipitators work by forcing dirty flue gas (the gas escaping from a smokestack) past
two electrodes (electrical terminals), which take the form of metal wires, bars, or plates inside a pipe or
smokestack. As the dirt particles move past it, they pick up a negative charge.
The gravity separator separates products of same size but with difference in specific weight.
The pressurized air in the deck enables the material to split according to its specific weight.
As a result, the heavier particles travel to the higher level while the lighter particles travel
to the lower level of the deck.
The hydrophobic particles attach to the air bubbles, which rise to the surface, forming a froth.
The froth is removed from the cell, producing a concentrate ("con") of the target mineral. The minerals
that do not float into the froth are referred to as the flotation tailings or flotation tails.
Electric forces are very large, far greater than the force of gravity. Unlike gravity, there are two types
of electric charge, (whereas there is only one type of gravity; gravity only attracts). Unlike charges attract,
Like charges repel.
Effectiveness. Electrostatic precipitators are extremely effevtive, and are capable of removing more
than 99% of particulate matter.
Gravity Separation or Hydraulic Washing (Levigation):
This method of concentration of the ore is based on the difference in specific gravities of the metallic
ore and gangue particles. Generally metal ores are heavier than the gangue associated with them.
How separators work: Separators work on the principle that the three components have different densities,
which allows them to stratify when moving slowly with gas on top, water on the bottom and oil in the middle.
Any solids such as sand will also settle in the bottom of the separator.
Static electricity is used in pollution control by applying a static charge to dirt particles in the air
and then collecting those charged particles on a plate or collector of the opposite electrical charge.
Such devices are often called electrostatic precipitators.
An electrostatic precipitator (ESP) is a filtration device that removes fine particles, like dust and smoke,
from a flowing gas using the force of an induced electrostatic charge minimally impeding the flow of gases
through the unit.
Froth stabilizers are those substances which help stabilise the froth formed during froth floatation process.
Mostly when you wash your hands with liquid soap,froth is formed is quite short lived(must be because the
froth is not stable)in the same way in order to get froth that is stable,so that the froth can be skimmed.
Electrostatic Force:
The electrostatic force is also known as the Coulomb force or Coulomb interaction. It is the attractive or
repulsive force between two electrically charged objects. Like charges repel each other while unlike charges
attract each other.
Various methods of concentration of ore:
Hand Picking, Gravity Separation Or Lavigation, Froth – Floatation, Magnetic Separation, Leaching Or Chemical Separation.
What is hydraulic washing:
Hydraulic washing. The name hydraulic means “operated by the pressure created by forcing water (or)
another liquid”. Washing ore with water is known as hydraulic washing. Gold mines make use of the
hydraulic washing technique. An upward stream of running water is used to wash powdered ore.
Formula for electrostatic force:
Distance will be expressed in meters. Calculate the electrostatic force using the
formula: F = K[q1 x q2]/D^2 where K is coulombs constant, which is equal to 9 x 10^9 Nm^2/C^2.
The unit for K is newtons square meters per square coulombs.
First, the mixed copper powder lifted by elevator to electrostatic separator inside, the device has three
discharge port (one for copper, one for the non-metal and waste and one for mixture). The mixture is
recycling separated in the electrostatic separator after lifted by elevator, and then metal and
non-metal are separated.
Wishing you all the best,