Firewood Production

Firewood Production:
If you have other types of trees on your land, you could use sell the firewood
to those who need it. Creating a long term sustainable business would depend on
expanding the amount of land on which you can harvest trees and also systematic
replenishment through continuous replanting.
Firewood Processor:
A firewood processor is a machine designed to cut and split firewood with minimal
manual handling of the logs. Processing begins with a log pile – a pile of logs
that have been de-limbed and cut to an appropriate length. Popular brands include
Hakki Pilke, Wood Beaver, DYNA, Multitek and Blockbuster. Others choose
to rent them as an alternative to purchasing.
Log deck: Logs are stacked onto the log deck
using a machine such as a skid steer or small excavator with a grapple. Each log
is pulled mechanically into a trough that feeds it into position to be sawn
into firewood-length pieces.
Saw station: The log is sawn by either
a hydraulically operated chainsaw harvester bar, or on larger machines, a very
large circular saw blade (slasher saw). In some guillotine splitters the wood
is split as the wood is cut.
Splitting chamber: Here, the log is simply
forced into a wedge that splits the round into anywhere between two and ten pieces,
depending on the size of the logs.
Outfeed: Conveyor that pulls the split firewood
away from the processor and into a waiting delivery truck’s box or a woodpile for
later handling. Some setups will use multiple conveyors and introduce a tumbling
system to clean the firewood.
Firewood Processor:
The output capacity of a firewood processor varies with the size and cost of
the machine, from one cord per hour on a $10,000 entry-level machine.
Machine Depends:
The choice of machine depends on a large number of variables other than straight
production output. People who heat with large outside wood boilers prefer large,
slow-burning pieces of hardwood, while a good campfire is made of small pieces
of fast-burning softwood. Restaurants with wood-fired ovens prefer small pieces
as well, but of hardwood or specialty species.
Saw type: While most processors use a hydraulic
chainsaw bar to cut the logs to length, some use a very large circular saw blade
called a slasher blade. They are fast and efficient, requiring little maintenance
once set up properly.
Note: Firewood Collection and Production is
a good process, as well as, we should seek for good vendors also, if you want
to do independently, try to get good experience, then you can understand all
problems, benefits and profits, then you can start independently. Note that
this is a primary information to get some knoledge.
Wishing you all the best,