Globe Making

Globe Making
Globes fall into two broad categories: terrestrial and celestial. Terrestrial
Globes are spherical maps. Celestial Globes use the Earth as an imaginary center
of the universe to map the stars in spherical form.
True Map of the World:
A Globe is the only "true" map of the world because there is no distortion of areas,
directions, or distances. Globes are made in two standard sizes. The 12in (30.5 cm)
diameter Globe (size of a basketball) is the most popular Globe sold to schools
and retailers, second most popular size is 16 in (40.6 cm) in diameter.
Map Corrections will be done instantaneously:
In the past five years, only three political changes have affected world Globes,
with two in Africa and one in Europe. By making computerized changes to the artwork
printed on the Globe, corrections can be made almost instantaneously.
The Manufacturing Process:
1. Artwork is designed and the gores are located in such a way that adjacent
segments will match correctly when joined.
2. Cardboard hemispheres are then subjected to heat and pressure in a forming
press to shape them into half spheres.
3. Forming press works much like a curling Iron and heats each hemisphere
to about 300° F (148.9° C) for 90 seconds. In joining process, two halves are
glued together to produce the round ball, and Equator tape is placed
to cover the seam.
4. Completed ball is then sprayed with a liquid laminate to make it durable,
fingerprint proof, glossily attractive.
5. After Manufacture of the spheres, those are fitted to wide variety of mountings
from inexpensive Plastic to brass. The illuminated Globes are equipped with light
bulbs and electrical sockets, switches, and cords. The completed Globes are
packaged for sale or shipment.
Quality Control:
Technicians who Manufacture Globes are ISO 9000 certified and trained to ensure
that each production step is consistent with established standards. Each production
step is also a quality station. The technicians are responsible for rejecting
products for any flaws.
How are Globes made:
Traditionally, Globes were manufactured by gluing a printed paper map onto
a sphere, often made from wood. Modern Globes are often made from thermoPlastic.
Flat, Plastic disks are printed with a distorted map of one of the Earth
Hemispheres. This is placed in a machine which molds the disk into a
hemispherical shape.
How do you make a paper mache Globe:
Instructions: Prepare Your Work Area and Blow Up the Balloon.
Tear Newspaper Strips. Start Your Paper Mache Paste.
Mix the Flour and Resin Glue Powder. Add the Flour Mixture to the Boiling Water.
Add Paste to a Newspaper Strip. Attach the Strip to the Balloon.
Continue Covering the Balloon.
What is a Globe for kids:
A Globe is a spherical model of Earth, of some other celestial body,
or of the celestial sphere. Globes serve similar purposes to maps, but
unlike maps, do not distort the surface that they portray except to scale
it down. A Globe of Earth is called a terrestrial Globe.
What is inside the Globe:
The Earth interior is composed of four layers, three solid and one
liquid—not magma but molten metal, nearly as hot as the surface of the sun.
The deepest layer is a solid Iron ball, about 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometers)
in diameter. Although this inner core is white hot, the pressure is so high
the Iron cannot melt.
Who made first Globe:
Martin Behaim. Crates of Mallus is said to have made one in about 150 bce.
The earliest surviving terrestrial Globe was made in Nürnberg in 1492 by
Martin Behaim, who almost undoubtedly influenced Christopher Columbus to
attempt to sail west to the Orient.
What is the Colour of Globe:
A Globe is an exact miniature model of the Earth. It shows the Earth in its
actual shape, with all continents, oceans, etc marked at their proper places.
The blue colour shows water and non blue colour shows the land on the Globe.
What are the main features of Globe:
A Globe is three dimentional man made model of the Earth. It represents the
all the nations and the other land mass bodies geographically. It is used
to locate place, see sea route, air route,etc. We can locate continent,
countries, oceans, rivers, cities.
What is naturally deep inside the Earth:
Earth scientists have long known that the dominant mineral olivine in Earth
outer shell, compresses into another mineral named wadsleyite at 410 km (255 mile)
Depth, which then changes into ringwoodite around 520 km (325 mile) Depth and
then again into perovskite + magnesiowüstite at 660 km (410 mile) Depth.
What is under the Earth:
The surface of the planet, where we live, is called the Crust—it's actually
a very thin layer, just 70 kilometres deep at its thickest point. The Crust
and the lithosphere below (the Crust plus the upper mantle) is made of several
tectonic plates.
What are the three types of Globe:
Generally, there are three types of Globes. Terrestrial Globes detail
geographical features of the Earth. There are also Globes that illustrate
the physical features of celestial bodies, such as the moon or Mars.
Celestial Globes, like the one pictured here, are spherical maps of the
sky models of the visible heavens.
What are the three components of a map:
There are three Components of Maps distance, direction and symbol.
Maps are drawings, which reduce the entire world or a part of it to fit
on a sheet of paper. Or we can say maps are drawn to reduced scales.
But this reduction is done very carefully so that the distance between
the places is real.
Wishing you all the best,