
Hinduism fastest growing religion in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
what is interesting fact that the total population of Hindus
are increasing in Saudi Arabia.
According to The Future of World Religions report, some countries
will see doubling of the number of Hindus by 2030, migration of Hindus
and increase in their fertility rate.
According to this report, Hinduism has become fastest growing
religion in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
This Report says that nearly 1 million Hindus are expected
to move to a different region over the next four decades.
In Saudi Arabia, Hindus currently make up about 5% of the population.
The report claimed that the total population of Hindus will go up
to 10% by 2030.
In Pakistan, it claimed that the fertility rate of Hindu population
is equal to that of Muslims in India 3 children per woman.
Fertility rate of all religions globally is about 2 children per
woman whereas just 3 in the Asia-Pacific region.
The third country in Asia where Hinduism is growing is Thailand.
Here, the Hindus will go from 5% of the Thai population to 9% by 2030.
The four countries that turn up here are Ireland, Belgium, Italy and
Greece, all places where Hindus are expected to grow primarily.
Buddhism, another religion that originates in India, is also growing
rapidly in Europe.
Instead of all these Meditation Centers, Yoga Centers, Traditional
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From www.seeyourneeds.in
Wishing you all the best,