Internet Center

Internet Center: If you are having basic awareness and basic Hardware knowledge in Computers,
then you can start an Internet Point, in your residing area. You should have 4 systems minimum, 1 for your remaining
3 for visitors. You should have some basic knowledge of software installations also.
Network Engineer: will come and set the router to connect to 4 systems with internet facility,
even though, you should have the knowledge how to configure and run the router also. Then you will become independent in your works.
Nowadays we cannot survive with only internet services:
You should have one Xerox machine and a separate printer for computer prints for typing works in MS Office.
Mee Seva Services: If you have capability you can start Mee Seva Services with the same.
Then only you can get comfortable income. You cannot get more than Rs. 400 with only internet, supporting to that Xerox
services and Ms Word Computer typing works will give you additional benefit.
Typing Services: Each page if you type in MsWord, generally they are charging Rs.10 minimum.
Likewise each day if you get 20 pages per day on average, you will get Rs. 300 on each day.
Web Designing Services: If you are familiar with web Designing,
you can get good income in internet center, while maintaining internet in the same place.
Rest of the time, you can spend for web-designing.
DTP Services: If you are familiar with DTP, you can design pages in the same place.
You can get good income. Only with internet services, you cannot survive. With additional skills of DTP and Web Designing,
you will get good income, then you can enjoy the life happily.
Wishing you all the best,