Internet Security

Internet Security:
Hacking and viruses are some of the Security threats on the web. You can make
very good money consulting businesses, especially those who handle
sensitive customer information and want to keep it as safe. For websites
and softwares, you can give technical support as a freelancer to clients.
A cyber Security Consultant: Performs a
variety of roles within the cyber Security field. They play both the attacker
and the defender in computer systems, networks, and software programs. Seeing
what weaknesses there are and figuring out how to strengthen systems to prevent
hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities.
What is an IT Security Consultant:
IT Security Consultants assess software, computer systems, and networks
for vulnerabilities, then design and implement the best Security solutions
for an organization's needs. They play the role of both the attacker and
the victim and are asked to locate and potentially exploit vulnerabilities.
How do I get started as a Consultant:
How to Become a Consultant. Identify your area of expertise.
Set goals. Make a website. Get certified. Choose a target market.
Decide where you'll work. Network with people. Set your rates.
Which degree is best for cyber Security:
Popular degree programs that those interested in a cyberSecurity
career often consider include:
MS in Cyber Security Operations and Leadership.
MS in CyberSecurity Engineering. MS in Computer Science.
MS in Computer Engineering. MS in Information Assurance.
MS in Information Technology. MBA (with specialty).
What is the job of cyber Security Consultant:
A cyber Security Consultant performs a variety of roles within the cyber
Security field. They play both the attacker and the defender in computer
systems, networks, and software programs. Seeing what weaknesses there are
and figuring out how to strengthen systems to prevent hackers from exploiting
How do Consultants get paid:
A Consultant working as a freelancer or independent contractor typically offers
several payment options, including payment by the hour, by project or on retainer.
Some clients prefer to be billed by the hour. Others prefer paying by project,
viewing it, perhaps, as a way to prevent Consultants from padding hours.
How difficult is cyber Security:
Cyber Security degrees tend to be more challenging than non-research type majors,
such as programs in the humanities or business, but are usually not as difficult
as degrees in research or lab intensive areas, such as science and engineering.
What it takes to be a cyber Security:
Earn a bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology,
cyberSecurity or a related field. Pursue an entry-level position in
general IT or Security. Earn a mid-level role as a Security administrator,
analyst, engineer or auditor. Sharpen your cyberSecurity skills with advanced
training and certifications.
What are the types of Internet Security:
What are the different types of network Security devices and tools:
Access control. Antivirus and anti-malware software.
Application Security. Behavioral analytics. Data loss prevention.
Distributed denial of service prevention. Email Security. Firewalls.
Antivirus Software you can buy today:
Kaspersky Total Security. The best antivirus protection overall.
Bitdefender Antivirus Plus. The best value antivirus software currently available.
Norton 360 Deluxe. McAfee Internet Security. Trend Micro Maximum Security.
ESET Smart Security Premium. Sophos Home Premium.
Why is Internet Security important:
While there is no network that is immune to attacks, a stable and efficient network
Security system is essential to protecting client data. A good network Security
system helps business reduce the risk of falling victim of data theft and sabotage.
Network Security helps protect your workstations from harmful spyware.
Best free antivirus software:
Microsoft Defender Anitivirus. Kaspersky Security Cloud Free.
AVG Free Antivirus. Avast Free Antivirus. Avira Free Antivirus.
Panda Free Antivirus.
Types of Computer Security Threats:
Computer Viruses. Perhaps the most well-known computer Security threat,
a computer virus is a program written to alter the way a computer operates,
without the permission or knowledge of the user.
Spyware Threats. Hackers and Predators. Phishing.
How does Internet Security work:
Internet browsers and Web servers have a secure way of talking to each other
called http secure, or https. It works by combining “certificates” and encryption,
a communications technique that scrambles the information as it crosses the
Internet. The “s” is for secure.
Do I really need Antivirus for Windows 10:
Whether you've recently upgraded to Windows 10 or you're thinking about it,
a good question to ask is, “Do I need antivirus software: ”. Well, technically,
no. Microsoft has Windows Defender, a legitimate antivirus protection plan
already built into Windows 10. However, not all antivirus software are the same.
Most Common Security Issues:
Code Injection. Hackers are sometimes able to exploit
vulnerabilities in applications to insert malicious code.
Data Breach. The cost of data breaches is well documented.
Malware Infection. Distributed Denial of Service Attack. Malicious Insiders.
Steps to cyber Security:
Risk Management Regime. Secure Configuration.
Home and mobile working. Incident management.
Malware prevention. Managing user privileges.
Network Security. Removable media controls.
Difference between Antivirus and Internet Security:
Antivirus protects the computer from viruses, whereas, Internet Security suite
protects the system from spyware, spam, phishing, computer worms, viruses, and
other advanced malware. Antivirus provides the necessary protection, whereas,
Internet Security provides protection against Internet threats.
Here are the Top Internet safety rules:
Keep Personal Information Professional and Limited.
Keep Your Privacy Settings On. Practice Safe Browsing.
Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure.
Be Careful What You Download. Choose Strong Passwords.
Common types of cyberattacks:
Brute-force attack. Under this attack, cybercriminals use the
trial and error approach to guess the password successfully.
Credential Stuffing. Phishing and Spear Phishing. Malware attacks.
Cyber Security and how it works:
Cyber Security can be described as the collective methods, technologies,
and processes to help protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability
of computer systems, networks and data, against cyber-attacks or unauthorized
Wishing you all the best,