Lead Capture Page

Lead Capture Page: For every website should have a
Lead Capture Page to record the Email details of their website Viewers. Lead Capture Page will give the
details of their Like Minded Persons details in the MySql Database, Customers table.
Those website viewers are their Leads. So in their website in certain pages, they will keep that page, It will ask
“Submit Your Email and Name”, Once they enter into that, their Email and Name will be recorded in their hosting
database, generally that is MySql Database. For that One “Customers Table” will be created in their database
in that hosting server, not outside.
Generally all most all hosting servers are giving, PHP & MySql Database, Default Support they are giving.
In that One PHP file, it will ask through browser, about Email and Name details. Once entered by the Viewer, then
It will be recorded in MySql Database, “Customers Table”.
So in MySql Database in hosting server, we should create a database, in that a “Customers Table”, we should create.
Once created it will record data through PHP file, that is Lead Capture Page in PHP.
How to create Lead Capture Page in PHP: we can see the
samples in google search engine. Accroding to availability, you can select One PHP sample, run it, Update it,
then incorporate in your web hosting server.
How to create a Leads Database in your website: Go to Your
hosting server, by Default MySql database will be available, create a database matching the name to your website,
then Create a Table Called “Customer Table” with the Fields “Email and Name” are enough.
For fine tuning, in hosting server, select “MySql DSN”, then fill the Form with the following details:
This is example Data only.
1. Hosing servername = "";
2. User name = "syn";
3. password = "*******";
4. Database name = "syn";
Once it matches automatically, MySqlDSN will be fine tuned, then go to database, create a Customer table, Same details,
Above 4 details you can put in your PHP Lead Capture Page also. Then It will be fine tuned.
Once fine tuned with PHP page, you can Create a front-end Browser Page, that means html page, to ask the viewers,
to enter their Email and Name details. Then you can put your browser details page in certain pages of your Website.
Then It is OK. Then your website is OK with Lead Capture Page.
Wishing you all the best,