How Light Bulb is made

Light Bulb:
One of the main components in a Light Bulb, the Filament, is prepared by mixing Tungsten
and Binder and then Drawing the mixture into a fine Wire around a steel Mandrel. Aher
heating the Wire and then Dissolving the Mandrel with Scid, the Filament assumes its
Proper Coiled Shape.
Tungsten Filaments: Can Withstand Temperatures
as high as 4500 degrees Fahrenheit and above. The development of the Tungsten
Filaments is Considered the Greatest advancement in Light Bulb Technology because
these Filaments could be produced Cheaply and last longer than any of the
Previous Materials.
Lead-in Wires are Typically made of Nickel-iron Wire:
This Wire is dipped into a Borax Solution to make the Wire more adherent to Glass.
The Bulb itself is made of Glass and contains a mixture of Gases, usually Argon and
Nitrogen, which increase the Life of the Filament. Air is pumped out of the Bulb
and replaced with the gases.
A Standardized base: Holds the entire assembly
in place. The base, known as the "Edison screw base," was originally made of brass
and insulated with Plaster of paris and, Later, Porcelain. Today, Aluminum is used
on the outside and Glass is used to insulate the inside of the base, producing
a Stronger base.
The Manufacturing Process:
The uses of Light Bulbs range from street Lights to automobile hea dLights
to Flash Lights. For each use, the individual Bulb differs in Size and Wattage,
which determine the amount of Light the Bulb gives off (lumens). Light Bulbs
have the three basic parts of the Filament, the Bulb and the base.
The Filament is Manufactured through a process known as Drawing, in which Tungsten
is mixed with a Binder Material and pulled through a die—a shaped orifice—into a
fine Wire. The Wire is wound around a Metal bar called a Mandrel in order to mold
it into its Proper Coiled Shape, and then it is Heated in an Process known as
annealing. This process softens the Wire and makes its structure more uniform.
The mandrel is then dissolved in acid.
Glass Bulb:
The Glass Bulbs or Casings are produced using a Ribbon Machine. After heating in
Virtually the entire Light Bulb Manufacturing Process is automated. The Glass Bulbs
are blown by a Ribbon Machine that can Produce more than 50,000 Bulbs per hour.
After the Filament and stem assembly are inserted into the Bulb, the air inside
the Bulb is evacuated and an argon or Nitrogen Mixture is Pumped in.
Once the Filament, base, and Bulb are made, they are fitted together by machines.
The Filament is Mounted to the stem assembly, with its ends Clamped to the two
lead in Wires. Air inside the Bulb is evacuated, and the Casing is filled with
an argon and Nitrogen Mixture. These Gases ensure a Longer Life for the Filament.
The Tungsten will eventually Evaporate and break. As it evaporates, it leaves
a dark deposit on the Bulb known as Bulb wall blackening.
Quality Control:
Light Bulbs are Tested for both lamp life and strength. In order to provide quick
results, selected Bulbs are Screwed into life test Racks and lit at levels far
exceeding their Normal burning strength. This provides an accurate reading on
how long the Bulb will last under Normal Conditions.
What Materials are used to make a Light Bulb:
The incandescent Light Bulb is made out of few Materials – metal, Glass and
inert Gas, and together they form a Light Bulb which provides us with Light.
These three Materials combined create a Light Bulb.
How are LED Light Bulbs made:
LED Materials. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. Therefore, LED Lights
are made up of small Diodes. Each Diode is created from Semiconductor Material.
To break it down a Little further, the Semiconductor Material itself is made
of Crystalline Material and needs Impurities in order to conduct electricity.
What is inside an LED Bulb:
The majority of LED Bulbs contain a whole array of LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes).
Diodes are semiconductor devices with two terminals, typically allowing the
flow of current in one direction only (Direct Current). The array in your LED
Bulb is likely to consist of what is known as SMDs or “Surface-Mounted Diodes”.
Which switches must be closed for the Bulb to Light up:
Only switches S1 and S2 need to be closed for the Light Bulb to Light up.
Why is Light Bulb important:
The electric Light Bulb has been called the most important invention since
man made fire. The Light Bulb helped to establish social order after sundown,
extended the workday well into the night, and allowed us to navigate and travel
safely in the dark. Without the Light Bulb, there would be no nightlife.
In which Circuit will the Bulb or Bulbs glow Brightest:
If Light Bulbs are attached in parallel, the current will be divided across
all of them. But if the Light Bulbs are connected in series, the current will
be the same in all of them. Then it looks like the Bulbs should be brighter
when connected in series, but actually, they are brighter when connected
in parallel.
At what pressure will the Light Bulb Light up:
0.7 atm. Most Modern Bulbs are filled with an inert gas to reduce Evaporation
of the Filament and prevent its Oxidation. The gas is at a pressure of about
70 kPa (0.7 atm).
How did the Light Bulb affect the Economy:
The major Economic impact of the Light Bulb was that it allowed factories and
other businesses to run even in the night. Light Bulbs have been a big impact
on the industrial revolution because it allowed the workers to work longer
hours at night and in dark places. Without Light, they could not work easily.
Wishing you all the best,