
Nanotechnology is a Field of Research and Innovation:
Generally, Materials and Devices - on the Scale of Atoms and Molecules.
A Nanometre is one billionth of a metre ten times the Diameter of a Hydrogen
atom. The Diameter of a Human hair is, on average, 80,000 Nanometres.
What is Nanotechnology used for:
Nanotechnology is being used in to treat Disease and Prevent Health Issues.
Nanotechnology is also being applied to or developed for application
to a variety of industrial and Purification processes.
What Exactly is Nanotechnology:
Nanotechnology is defined as the Study and use of Structures between 1 Nanometer
and 100 Nanometers in size. To give you an idea of how small that is, it would
take eight hundred 100 Nanometer Particles side by side to match the width
of a Human Hair.
What Technologies use Nanotechnology:
Nanotechnology Applications, Electronics, Chemical Sensors,
Nanomedicine, Medicine, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Heat Therapy,
Heart Disease, Drug Delivery, Diagnostic Techniques, Diabetes, Kidney Disease,
Wound Treatment, Antibacterial Treatments, Life Extension, Education.
What products use Nanotechnology:
Everyday products that use Nanotechnology Sunscreen. NanoParticles have been
added to Sunscreens for years to make them more effective. Clothing, Furniture,
Adhesives, Coatings for car paintwork, Tennis balls, Computers.
Is Nanotechnology Harmful:
Passage of inhaled NanoParticles into the Bloodstream. Materials which by
themselves are not Harmful could be Toxic if they are inhaled in the
form of NanoParticles. The effects of inhaled NanoParticles in the Body
may include lung inflammation and Heart problems.
Why is Nanotechnology so important:
Nanotechnology improves industrial Processes, Materials and applications
by Scaling them down to the Nanoscale in order to ultimately fully exploit
and Surface Phenomena that matter exhibits at the Nanoscale.
How is Nanotechnology Used in Everyday Life:
Nanotechnology has an influence on all Sectors of Food and Agricultural
Systems, such as food Security, Disease Treatment Delivery Methods, new Tools
for Molecular and Cellular Biology, new Materials for Pathogen detection,
and Protection of the Environment.
How can Nanotechnology improve our Lives:
Nanotechnology might help us make Electrical Lines, Solar Cells,
and Biofuels more efficient, and make Nuclear Reactors Safer. Nanotechnology
to Huge advances in Health care, improving methods for Detecting and
Treating Diseases like Cancer.
What Foods have Nanotechnology:
Nanotechnology include Candies, Skittles, Baby Bottles and Plastic storage
How do NanoParticles leave the Body:
NanoParticles which are not absorbed by the gut or the Lungs leave the Body
in the Faeces either directly or moved up from the Lungs by Normal clearance
of Mucus and then Swallowed.
Why Can NanoParticles pass through the Skin:
Those Proteins Normally act as Gatekeepers that determine which Molecules
to allow through the Skin and into the Body, and which Molecules to block.
When the Proteins Loosen up, they become less selective than usual, possibly
giving NanoParticles an opportunity to pass through the Barrier.
Nanomaterials that are found in Nature
Naturally occurring NanoParticles can be found in volcanic Ash, Ocean Spray,
Fine Sand and Dust, and even Biological matter (e.g. viruses). Synthetic
NanoParticles are Equally, if not more Diverse than their Naturally
Occurring Counterparts.
How Nanotechnology used in the Environment
Nanotechnology has Enormous Potential for Providing Innovative Solutions
to a Wide range of Environmental Issues. These include improved methods
for reducing Pollution, Water Treatment, Environmental Sensing, Remediation,
and making alternative energy Sources more Cost effective.
Where are NanoParticles found in Nature
NanoParticles are ubiquitous in the environment. They may originate from
natural and anthropogenic sources. Natural NanoParticles are those that
are produced in Nature, and they include ocean spray, forest fire,
dust storms, volcanic Ash and biological Particles such as bacteria and fungi.
Do Nanomaterials exist in Nature
Naturally occurring Nanomaterials can be found everywhere in Nature
(fullerenes and Graphene even have been Discovered in Space) and only with
recent advances in instrumentation and Metrology equipment are researchers
beginning to Locate, Isolate, Characterize.
How can we see NanoParticles
Microscopy methods generate images of individual NanoParticles to characterize
their Shape, Size, and Location. Electron Microscopy and Scanning Probe Microscopy
are the Dominant methods. Because NanoParticles have a size below the diffraction
limit of Visible Light, Conventional Optical Microscopy is not useful.
What are the examples of Nanotechnology:
A few examples of current Nanotechnology include the following.
Food security. Nanosensors in packaging can detect salmonella and other contaminants
in food. Medicine. Energy. Automotive. Environment. Electronics. Textiles. Cosmetics.
How is Nanotechnology used in everyday life:
Nanotechnology is a new and expanding technology, its main applications are the
development of innovative methods to fabricate new products, to formulate new
chemicals and materials, and to substitute the current generation of equipment
with improved performance equipment, resulting in a lower consumption of materials.
Nanotechnology safe for humans:
Out of three human studies, only one showed a passage of inhaled Nanoparticles
into the bloodstream. Materials which by themselves are not very harmful could
be toxic if they are inhaled in the form of Nanoparticles. The effects of inhaled
Nanoparticles in the body may include lung inflammation and heart problems.
What diseases can Nanotechnology cure:
Nanomedicine — the application of Nanomaterials and devices for addressing
medical problems — has demonstrated great potential for enabling improved
diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of many serious illnesses, including
cancer, cardiovascular and neurological disorders, HIV/AIDS, and diabetes,
as well as many types.
Can Nanotechnology cure aging:
The “killer app” of Nanotechnology is “Nanobots,” which are blood-cell sized
robots that can travel in the blood stream destroying pathogens, removing debris,
correcting DNA errors, and reversing aging processes.
Can Nanotechnology extend human life:
There are two ways in which Nanotechnology may be able to extend our lives.
One is by helping to eradicate life-threatening diseases such as cancer, and
the other is by repairing damage to our bodies at the cellular level, a Nano
version of the fountain of youth.
What is so special about Nanotechnology:
Nanotechnology is not simply working at ever smaller dimensions; rather,
working at the Nanoscale enables scientists to utilize the unique physical,
chemical, mechanical, and optical properties of materials that naturally
occur at that scale.
Wishing you all the best,