Paper Bags Making

Paper Bags Making:
Raw material for this is Stiff Paper. In diffirent designs these are available in the market.
if you are doing in bulk, you can get stiff paper with design from industries also, at whole sale price.
In this cutting paper, folding paper, gumming paper, setting rivets for handy threads.
For setting rivets for handy threads, machines are available in the market, one machine is enough to set rivets.
You can use cotton threads for handy rivets to carry the paper bag. Profits will be there in this filed,
but marketing is must.
Marketing: You should approach super markets, shopping centers to sell them in bulk
for their customers. Success secret in this field is marketing and supply should be regular, then only you will get regular
market and profits. It is very profitable business in the long-run.
How to Make a Paper Bag (Without Cuting/Ripping).
Fold over the bottom right corner to meet with the top left hand corner.
Fold in the left corner so it make the side straight (do the same for both sides)
Fold down the top triange to make that edge straight.
Fold in the side again so it covers the gap next to the folded down triangle (same for both sides).
Step 5: Done.
How do you make an eco friendly paper bag with old newspapers:
Step 1: Lay a piece of newspaper out flat and opened up. Then fold down about 3″ on the top.
Step 2: Flip the piece over. Step 3: Now fold one side in about a third.
Why is kraft paper Brown: Wood pulp for sack paper is made from softwood by the kraft process.
The long fibers provide the paper its strength and wet strength chemicals are added to even further improve the strength.
Both white and brown grades are made. The paper is microcrepped to give porosity and elasticity.
How to Make an Eco-Friendly Bag.
Step 1: Materials. What You Will Need:
Step 2: Measuring and Cutting.
Step 3: Sticking.
Step 4: Folding.
Step 5: Sticking the Cardboard.
Step 6: Putting It Together.
Cut a piece of chipboard to 4" x 2.5" and glue it to the bottom of the bag to reinforce it.
Step 9: Your Newspaper Bag Is Now Ready
What are eco friendly bags: A high-quality, environmentally safe bag is manufactured from materials
that will not harm the natural environment. Production of these bags does not include the use of harmful chemicals,
and the bags are biodegradable. There are no negative impacts made on the environment with the production of eco-friendly bags.
The Best Eco-Friendly Products For Travel and Everyday Life!
Reusable Bamboo Utensil. Starting off this list of eco-friendly products are my favorite reusable bamboo utensils.
Reusable Makeup Remover Pads. GoToob Travel Bottle. Bamboo Drinking Straw. The Scrubba.
Lifestraw Go. Collapsible Tupperware. Reusable Snack Bags.
22 Ways to Reuse Paper:
Printing. it's obvious, but it surprises me how many people don't bother with printing on the back of scrap computer paper.
Pet Cage Liner. Newspaper and junk mail is perfect for lining a bird cage or shredding for hamster bedding.
Woven Basket. Doodle Pad. Origami. Beads for Jewelry. Light a Fire. Wall Art.
You can do making in automatic machine process also, in the market diffirent types of machines available,
according to your capability and market, you can purchase.
Wishing you all the best,