
Podcast means, a release of audio on specific topic to audience. That specific topic may be tutorial relating
to any subject, for example, online English tutorials, history, economics, any theory subjects , you can delivery
through audio, for any specific video or images are required they will send to your email.
This is the synopsis in Podcasting, generally linguistic subjects and theory
subjects of Graduate and Post Graduate Students; it is highly useful to them.
Generally graduate level also, they cannot grasp well, but in post graduate level, they can understand and utilize
audio courses well. Especially preparing for correspondence courses, this is a hope full opportunity to them.
In google.com search engine, you can get so many audio programs. Some programs will
be online coaching type, some are regular audio, while running that audio, you can
start, stop and go back then run again multiple times.
What is Podcast used for: Podcasting is a free
service that allows Internet users to pull audio files (typically MP3s) from a
Podcasting Web site to listen to on their computers or personal digital audio players.
The term comes from a combination of the words iPod (a personal digital audio player
made by Apple) and broadcasting.
How do start a Podcast: With equipment out of the way,
let us go over the 6 main steps of starting a Podcast.
Step 1: Choose a Niche for Your Podcast.
Step 2: Choose a Name, Theme Music, and Design.
Step 3: Pick Your Podcast Hosting Provider.
Step 4: Record Your Podcast.
Step 5: Editing Your Podcast Episodes.
Can you make money with a Podcast: Make Money with
Your Podcast. If you don't have your own products or services you can promote other
people's products and services as an affiliate and earn a commission for doing so.
Once your Podcast grows and has a large enough audience you can receive income
in the form of sponsorships and product mentions.
Why are Podcasts so popular: One reason Podcasts
are so popular is that the format is uniquely situation to fit into our busy lives.
There are Podcasts written to scratch that narrative itch.
So according to your need and intensity, you can select Podcast. Nowadays are
Podcasting is increasing in a tremendous way. Students has to utilize this in a
comfortable way to them.
What is a Podcast and how do they work:
A Podcast is an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user
can download to a personal device for easy listening. Streaming applications
and Podcasting services provide a convenient and integrated way to manage
a personal consumption queue across many Podcast sources and playback devices.
What are the top 10 Podcasts right now:
Top 100 US Podcasts (Apple Podcasts Top Charts)
Podcast Name: Anatomy of Murder. Network/Artist: audiochuck.
Podcast Name: Crime Junkie. Network/Artist: audiochuck.
Podcast Name: The Joe Rogan Experience.
Podcast Name: The Daily.
Podcast Name: The Rundown.
Podcast Name: The Ben Shapiro Show.
Podcast Name: Sofia with an F.
Podcast Name: Call Her Daddy.
Why are Podcasts so popular:
Podcasts allow for multitasking. The main reason why Podcasts are so popular
is that they allow their audience to save time. At Edison Research, they explored
the Podcast listening locations and found out that most often people listen
to audio blogs at home, in a car, while walking around or working out.
What are some interesting Podcasts:
A definitive list of the 35 most interesting Podcasts ever made.
Say Why To Drugs. iTunes | acast.
Stuff To Blow Your Mind. iTunes | Stitcher.
The New York Public Library Podcast. iTunes | Stitcher.
Footnoting History. iTunes | Stitcher.
Sodajerker On Songwriting. iTunes | Stitcher.
Spycast. iTunes | Stitcher. Radio Diaries. iTunes | Stitcher.
Bizarre States. iTunes | Nerdist.
Do Podcasts make money:
Sponsorships are the most common way Podcasters make money. This is when
the Podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your
favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How
much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your
episodes earn.
Why you should listen to Podcasts:
The ability to listen to high-quality content no matter where you are or what
you're doing is a big reason for the growth of Podcasting over the past 15 years.
And 11 percent of Podcast listeners turn on programs while they're working,
which can be great for entrepreneurs taking care of their routine business tasks.
How To Choose A Podcast Name:
Make it short and sweet. Sometimes being simple and direct is best.
Use a play on words. Incorporate your brand name.
Convey the tone. Consider the search-ability.
Think about word-of-mouth discovery.
Say your Podcast name out loud–a lot.
Get feedback from your network.
How do I start a successful Podcast:
Here are our top seven tips to launch a successful Podcast.
Invest in Decent Equipment. Choose the Right Theme.
Come Out with Quality Podcasts. Find the Balance.
Make Your Podcast SEO Friendly.
Get Great Guests and Be a Great Guest.
Be Consistent.
Wishing you all the best,