Polystyrene Foam

Polystyrene Foam:
Polystyrene Foam foam (EPF) is a Plastic material that has special
properties due to its structure. Composed of individual cells of low density
Polystyrene, EPF is extraordinarily light and can support many times its
own weight in water.
Cells are not Interconnected:
Because its cells are not interconnected, heat cannot travel through EPF easily,
so it is a great insulator. EPF is used in flotation devices, insulation,
egg cartons, flats for meat and produce, sandwich and hamburger boxes,
coffee cups, plates, peanut packaging, and picnic coolers. It is generally
called Styrofoam, Styrofoam is a trademark of Dow Chemical Company and refers
specifically to a type of hard, blue EPF used mainly in boating.
Raw Materials:
EPF's main component is styrene (C 8 H 8 ), which is derived from petroleum or
natural gas and formed by a reaction between ethylene (C 2 H 4 ) and benzene
(C 6 H 6 ); benzene is produced from coal or synthesized from petroleum.
Styrene is polymerized either by heat or by an initiator such as benzoyl
peroxide. Stopping the polymerization is difficult; inhibitors such as oxygen,
sulfur, or quinol can be used. To form the low-density, loosely attached cells
EPF is noted for, Polystyrene must first be suspended in water to form droplets.
The Manufacturing Process:
Styrene is made by combining ethylene and benzene. The styrene is subjected to
suspension polymerization and treated with a polymerization initiator, which together
convert it into Polystyrene. Once a polymer chain of the desired length has formed,
technicians stop the reaction with terminating agents. The resulting Polystyrene
beads are then cleaned, and anomalous beads filtered out.
Making styrene:
The basic unit of Polystyrene is styrene, which is the product of a two-fold
reaction. Ethylene and benzene, in the presence of a catalyst such as aluminum
chloride, form ethylbenzene (C 8 H 8 ), which is then dehydrogenated
(hydrogen is removed) at 1,112-1,202 degrees Fahrenheit (600-650 degrees Celsius)
to form styrene (C 8 H 8 ).
Making Polystyrene:
Polystyrene is formed from styrene through suspension polymerization, a process
by which tiny drops of the monomer are completely surrounded by water and a
mucilaginous substance. Supporting and surrounding the styrene globules,
the suspension agent produces uniform droplets of Polystyrene.
Preparing the beads:
After polymerization is complete, the mixture—consisting of beads made up of Polystyrene
chains—is cooled. These beads are then washed out and dried. Uniform bead size is
achieved by sorting the beads through meshes which filter out
over and undersized beads.
Making Polystyrene Foam foam:
The beads of Polystyrene must be expanded to achieve the proper density. This
process is known as pre-expansion, and involves heating the Polystyrene either
with steam or hot air, the heating is carried out in a vessel holding anywhere
from 50 to 500 gallons. During pre-expansion, an agitator is used to keep
the beads from fusing together.
Molding: The beads are fed into a mold of the
desired shape. Low-pressure steam is then injected into and between the beads,
expanding them once more and fusing them together.
The mold is then cooled:
Either by circulating water through it or by spraying water on the outside.
EPF is such a good insulator that it is hard to cool the mold down. Using
small molds can reduce both the heating and cooling time and thereby speed
up the process.
Making extruded, Polystyrene Foam foam:
This process yields EPF with small cell size that can be used to manufacture boards used for insulation.
The beads are melted, and a blowing agent is added. The molten Polystyrene is then extruded into the
proper shape under conditions of high temperature and pressure.
Quality Control:
EPF is subject to the numerous tests and standards formulated by the American
Society for Testing and Materials for Plastics in general. Some of these standards
concern EPF in particular because of its unique properties, yet some of the tests
applied to EPF were developed to measure the properties of other Plastics.
The Polystyrene melt is tested:
To determine whether it is sufficiently viscous to produce EPF with the desired
properties. The subsequent Polystyrene beads must be of uniform size. The standard
for perfectly spherical beads is based on those formed in space shuttle experiments
under conditions of zero gravity.
Difference between polystyrene and Polystyrene Foam:
The Difference between Polystyrene Foam and Extruded Polystyrene. The main
difference between these two materials lies in their density. Extruded polystyrene
is much denser than Polystyrene Foam.
What is known as expandable polystyrene:
Polystyrene Foam (EPS) is a rigid cellular Plastic, which is found in a
multitude of shapes and applications. It is used for fish boxes, packaging
for electrical consumer goods and for insulation panels for building. These
are the most commonly known uses and we will mention others in this document.
Can you recycle Polystyrene Foam:
Like many Plastics, polystyrene is slow to biodegrade. However, Expanded
Polystyrene (EPS) is 100% recyclable.
Is Polystyrene Foam toxic:
Leachate From Polystyrene Foam Cups Is Toxic to Aquatic Invertebrates
(Ceriodaphnia dubia) Polystyrene Foam (EPS) products and their associated
chemicals (e.g., styrenes) are widespread in the marine environment. We only
detected leachates in trials conducted at higher temperature -95°C.
Does Polystyrene Foam absorb water:
A: EPS is non-hygroscopic and does not readily absorb moisture from the atmosphere.
Its closed-cell structure reduces the absorption and/or migration of moisture
into the insulation material.
Is polystyrene same as Styrofoam:
The word Styrofoam™ is often used to describe Polystyrene Foam (EPS) foam;
however, 'Styrofoam' is actually a trademarked term for closed-cell extruded
polystyrene foam made for thermal insulation and craft applications. EPS foam
is the correct term for any form of Polystyrene Foam.
Is Polystyrene Foam environmentally friendly:
Despite what you may have heard, Polystyrene Foam (EPS) is environmentally
friendly. Made from 98% air, no toxic substances are used in the manufacture of
EPS and it is 100% recyclable.
Is it safe to burn polystyrene:
Burning Styrofoam, or polystyrene, is the least appropriate way to get rid of
it for both people and the environment. Research has shown that when Styrofoam
is burned it releases toxic chemicals and smoke that can damage the nervous
system and lungs.
Is polystyrene highly flammable:
Polystyrene is highly flammable and ignites at relatively low temperatures.
It has been linked with huge fires, often in commercial buildings and warehouses,
where its use is more common.
Can polystyrene be microwaved:
You can microwave foods or beverages in polystyrene containers that are labeled
microwave-safe. Conversely, avoid putting polystyrene containers without
microwave-safe labels in the microwave.
Properties of Polystyrene Foam:
Light Weight. Comprised of about 98 percent air, Polystyrene Foam is extremely
lightweight, making it ideal for transport and installation.
Moisture Resistant. EPS is a closed cell material and does not readily absorb water.
Durability. Thermal Efficiency. Versatility.
On-Site Ease of Use. Environmental Sustainability.
Where is styrene found:
Styrene is commonly detected in the air near hazardous waste sites,
in motor vehicle tunnels, in indoor air and in the workplace. Styrene may be
found in soil. It is also detected in some foods.
Are polystyrene balls dangerous:
If the dust from polystyrene beads is inhaled, it may cause temporary irritation
and coughing. Overexposure to high concentrations of pentane isomers may cause
headache, dizziness and nausea. But this is not present by the time the beads
reach consumers. If EPS is roughly cut, it may cause abrasions.
How dangerous is polystyrene:
Chronic exposure to high levels of styrene can cause liver damage and nerve
tissue damage. These effects can be especially pronounced in fetuses and
young children. The gasses that manufacturers pump into polystyrene to turn
it into “foamed polystyrene” can also be hazardous.
At what temperature does polystyrene melt:
210-249 degrees Celsius. ThermoPlastic materials become fully liquid at their
melting point (210-249 degrees Celsius in the case of Polystyrene), but they
begin to flow at their glass transition point (100 degress Celsius for PS).
Why is polystyrene good for packaging:
Polystyrene is the material of choice for packaging because it's nice and light.
It's easy to snap in half or crumble but, crucially, it's strong in compression
and therefore protects delicate objects if dropped or crushed. Polystyrene is
also a very good insulator, meaning that it quickly accrues electrical charge.
Who recycles polystyrene:
Will SUEZ accept my polystyrene: In Australia, SUEZ recycles polystyrene and
provides recyclable Plastic collections. You can find more information about
SUEZ Plastic recycling services here. You can send us an online form or contact
SUEZ's Customer Service Centre on 13 13 35 for services provided in your area.
Wishing you all the best,