Rose Cultivation

Rose Cultivation: The scientific name of the rose is Rosa. It is a perennial shrub or vine of the
Rosa genus and the family Rosaceae. In India, the major rose producing states are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and West Bengal.
The major rose producing states are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and West Bengal.
Economic Importance Of Rose Cultivation: These are rose oil, rose water and gulkhand.
Roses are essential items in preparing bouquets, floral arrangements, worship, social occasions and presentation of gifts.
Things To Consider In Commercial Rose Cultivation: Determine for what purpose you are growing rose.
It determines the rest of the factors. Secondly, choose the right variety, Have a marketing plan. Craft a business plan including
the financial inputs. Arrange proper irrigation system, Check every input is ready with you for the application.
Agro Climatic Condition For Rose Cultivation: Provide plenty of light, a humid and moderate
temperature ranging from 15°C to 28°C. If you are growing under the greenhouse, you must provide ventilation. Light is an
important factor. It decides the growth of the roses. You can find a slower growth by day length with 12 hours and heavy overcast,
cloudy/misty conditions. In tropics, the ideal temperature is 25°C – 30°C on a sunny day and on a cloudy day 18°C – 20°C.
Suitable Soil For Rose Cultivation: Rose grows well in the plains under ideal condition of
fertile loamy soils with salt-free irrigation water. Well-drained soil rich in organic matter and oxygen is good for roses.
Organic matter as high as 30% in the top 30 cm of the growing beds is perfect for rose farming. Maintain a pH of the soil around 6 to 6.5.
Land Preparation: First of all, you must prepare the beds or pits before one month of planting.
The suitable depth of the bed is 60 to 90 cm. Fill the pit with a mixture of soil and farmyard manure. Flood the bed with water
to settle down the loose soil. Add more mixture of soil and manure for leveling the bed.
Planting: The most popular propagation options are root cutting and budding on Briar rootstocks.
Before planting remove all dried, dead, damaged and diseased twigs, leaves and damaged root coming out of earth ball etc with sharp secateurs.
Irrigation: The newly planted rose need frequent watering till they establish and afterwards
once or twice a week. You must do weeding and hoeing after every alternate watering. Roses require pruning in the second year of
their planting and subsequent years. After 6 months or so, there is every chance that the soil becomes stony.
The removal of leaves is known as defoliation. However, you must do it to induce certain plant species to flower or
to reduce transpiration loss during periods of stress. Remove the leaves manually or by withholding water.
Plant Protection System In Rose Cultivation: The principal pests of roses are Red spider mite,
Leaf rollers, White fly, Thrips, Aphide and Nematode. The principal diseases are Powdery mildew, Downy mildew, Botrytis,
Pruning die back and Black leaf spot. The attcks depen on the variety and agroclimatic condition.
Harvesting & Storage In Rose Cultivation: You can harvest the flowers with sharp
secateure at the tight bud stage when the colour is fully developed. You must keep at least 1 to 2 leaves with The plant
after the cutting. Because it helps to encourage production of new strong shoots.
Packaging: Roses immediately after harvest should be graded, packed, precooled and despatched
by refrigerated vehicle. Grading and packaging flowers are shifted to the cold store. It is advisable to re-cut the stems,
about 2 cm. above the previous level without removing lower leaves/thorns and again place them in clean containers in clean
warm (40-480C) water, adjusted with citric acid to pH 3.0-3.5. This treatment
prevents vascular blockage and hence neck drop.
Wishing you all the best,