Soap Making

Soap Making:
Soap Making involves combining Vegetable or Animal Fats with a strong Alkaline,
typically Lye. Process, called Saponification, is the Chemical reaction between
these two elements.
Melt and Pour Process:
The “Melt and Pour” process is the easiest to begin. Using a premade Soap base,
melt it down on the Stove or in the Microwave, then Stir in Fragrances, Color,
Minerals, Herbs, and whatever other Ingredients. Pour it into Molds and let it
Cool for a few hours. Once it has hardened fully, it’s ready to be used.
Advanced Soap Making Involves the Traditional
“Cold Process”. It requires the mixing of Oils with a base solution, such as Lye.
Since Lye is Caustic and will burn your Skin on contact, it is important to follow
these safety procedures before you begin. The upside of cold Processed Soap is
you have more control over the Ingredients, you use and the Soap will last much
longer than Melt and Pour Soaps. For the Firmest Bars, you will Need to wait
4 to 6 weeks to allow Soap to fully cure.
Soap Making Process: you should have these
basic Ingredients and Tools on hand:
• Kitchen scale for accurate measurements.
• Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls, dedicated for Soap Making.
• Stainless Steel measuring Spoons, Silicone Molds.
• Additives like essential Oils, Dried Herbs, Vegetable Oils, and Natural Colorants.
• Soap base for the “Melt and Pour” method – goat Milk, Shea Butter, or Glycerin.
• Alkaline for “Cold Process” – Lye or Wood Ash.
• Quick read Thermometer.
What are the Ingredients for Soap Making:
The basic Ingredients of Soap are: Animal Fat or Vegetable Oil.
100 percent Pure Lye. Distilled Water.
Examples of Fats and Oils used in Soap Making include:
Lard, Tallow, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Hemp Oil.
How do you make Homemade Soap:
Instructions. Cover your work area with Newspaper.
In the Pint jar, add your three Oils together.
When both the Lye and Oils are at the right temperature, Pour the Oils into a Mixing Bowl.
Add your Herbs, essential Oils or other additions at this Point.
After 24 hours, Check your Soap.
What is the best Homemade Soap recipe:
My Favorite Cold Process Recipes.
Lots of Lather. (my most Favorite, Tried and true, Teach this in every class,
Really, Really hard Soap bar) 16 oz. Coconut Oil. 16 oz. Palm Oil. 16 oz. Olive Oil. 2 oz.
Moisturizing. 4 oz. Avocado Oil. 8 oz. Coconut Oil. 1 oz. Jojoba Oil. 16 oz.
Nourishing. 2 oz. Sweet Almond Oil. 2 oz. Avocado Oil. 8 oz. Coconut Oil. 2 oz.
Is Dove Soap made with Lye:
Dove. It is true that the words "Lye" or "Sodium Hydroxide" do not appear on the
Dove Ingredient label. But, the first Ingredients listed were sodium Tallowate,
Sodium Cocoate, and Sodium Palm Kernelate. Yes, Dove is made with Lye!
How do you make Natural Soap Ingredients:
Instructions. Cover your work area with Newspaper.
In the Pint jar, add your three Oils together.
When both the Lye and Oils are at the right Temperature, Pour the Oils into a Mixing Bowl.
Add your Herbs, essential Oils or other additions at this Point.
After 24 hours, Check your Soap.
How do you Make Soap from Scratch without Lye:
Chop the Soap base into Large Pieces. Put it in your Pyrex and Melt it in the
Microwave or in a double boiler over Low heat. Once Melted, add your Herbs
and Oils (about 30 Drops essential Oil and 1/2 Teaspoon Herbs per Pound of Soap base).
Mix thoroughly and Pour into your Mold.
What can replace Lye in Soap:
Once you have a recipe and the necessary Oils/Fats, you will also need
to get some Pure Lye to use in the Saponification Process.
The Bulk Oils I keep on Hand for Soap Making and general cooking and use are:
Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Castor Oil, Avocado Oil, Mango Butter.
What is the best Natural Soap:
Clean and Green: The Best All-Natural Soaps.
Neutrogena Cleansing Bar, Fragrance Free, $3,
Herbivore Pink Clay Gentle Cleansing Bar Soap, $12,
Farmhouse Fresh Front Porch Punch Shea Butter Soap, $12,
The Body Shop Olive Soap, $5,
Does Lye Soap Kill Germs:
Lye is both a Disinfectant and a Cleanser. Lye is Particularly suitable to kill
Germs and Bacteria as well as cleaning the surface of food Containers, Room vessels,
the surface of Wash Bowls, etc.
What Oil makes Bubbles in Soap:
Increasing the percentage of Oils that contribute to Bubbly Lather, like Coconut Oil,
Palm Kernel Oil, and Babassu Oil. Decreasing the SuperFat of the total Oils,
as too many free Oils can cut down on Lather. Using Lather increasing additives
like Sodium Citrate, Sodium Lactate, Sugar, or Rosin.
What Oil makes Soap hard:
Use at least 40% hard Oils in your Recipe. These include Coconut Oil, Palm Oil,
Cocoa Butter, etc. This post has a list of common Soaping Oils, with general
recommended usage rates to aid in Formulating your Recipes. Stearic acid
at 0.5% of your Oils can be used as a Hardening Agent in Cold Process Soap.
Can you use Regular Olive Oil in Soap Making:
Virgin Olive Oil, Refined Olive Oil and Pure Olive Oil Trace Slower in
Soap Making so are used when a Slower Trace is desired, such as when you want
to Divide your Soap out to Swirl. Pomace Olive Oil is Less Expensive than
other Olive Oils so is used by many Soap Makers to Lower their Production cost.
Wishing you all the best,