Tele Marketing

TeleMarketing is nothing but product or service Marketing through Telephone. So many
international companies also introducing their services through Call Centers, Help
centers by telephone.
Job Duties and Tasks for: "TeleMarketer"
Deliver prepared sales talks, reading from scripts that describe products or services,
in order to persuade potential customers to purchase a product or service or to make a
Is TeleMarketing illegal:
TeleMarketing is not necessarily illegal, and consumers often agree to such calls
unknowingly, but TeleMarketers are bound to laws that place certain limits on how they
conduct their business. This article serves as an overview of TeleMarketing
telephone Marketing laws and regulations.
What companies use TeleMarketing:
Some of the big names are Dish Network, ADT alarms, autolite glass. Think if it this way.
If you've ever spoken to a business over the phone and purchased services or goods. That
company uses TeleMarketing and that rep you spoke to made a commission from the sale.
What do you mean by TeleMarketing:
TeleMarketing (sometimes known as inside sales, or telesales in the UK and Ireland)
is a method of direct Marketing in which a salesperson solicits Prospective customers
to buy products or services, either over the phone or through a subsequent face to face
or web conferencing appointment scheduled during the call.
What are the benefits of TeleMarketing:
TeleMarketing Works. It Costs You Less.
Immediate Feedback On Products/Services.
It Helps You Expand Your Business.
Measurable Results.
How does a TeleMarketer get paid:
The average hourly pay for all TeleMarketers is about $10.50 per hour, but will vary
by experience and location. Experienced TeleMarketers who successfully sell high priced
products can expect to earn up to $18 per hour.
How is TeleMarketing done:
TeleMarketing may be done from a company office, from a call center, or from home.
An effective TeleMarketing campaign often involves two or more calls. The first call
or series of calls determines the customer Needs. The final call or series of calls
motivates the customer to make a purchase.
TeleMarketer Job Responsibilities:
A TeleMarketer solicits orders for merchandise or services by identifying prospects;
Telephoning Customers; Persuade Customers buy services.
Why do Companies use TeleMarketing:
The main Benefit of using TeleMarketing to Promote your Business is that it allows you
to immediately Gauge your customer level of interest in your product or service.
Reach more Customers than with in-person Sales Calls. Sell to both existing and new
Customers. achieve results that are measurable.
What are the types of TeleMarketing:
Inbound TeleMarketing. Outbound TeleMarketing.
B2B TeleMarketing. B2C TeleMarketing.
What Skills make an Effective TeleMarketer:
A positive attitude and sunny disposition.
A strong belief that you have something that is of benefit to whoever you are calling.
Good relevant product knowledge but not a features-heavy sales pitch.
A broad knowledge of the target Marketplace.
How many calls can a TeleMarketer make per day:
between 300 and 500 calls in an eight-hour day. The long answer it depends.
TeleMarketers are usually the “foot in the door” guys in the sales equation.
What is the success rate of TeleMarketing:
Cold calling results in about a 1 to 3% success rate for getting an initial appointment
and it is generally abusive to both parties. When that same call is made with a referral,
the rate jumps up to 40% and even much higher when that referral comes from within the
While talking to customers, what are the procedures
Need to follow:
Greet Customer. Introduce yourself to customer.
Ask Customer how you can be helpful him.
Listen to the Customer patiently.
Try to help the Customer with best possible solution.
Check the level of Customer satisfaction.
What is TeleMarketing and its advantages:
TeleMarketing is a method of selling products and services over the telephone.
It has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are it is easy to reach out
to customers and it is cost effective if done successfully. The disadvantages are
that it has a bad reputation and some of the startup costs are expensive.
How much money can you make as a TeleMarketer:
The average hourly pay for all TeleMarketers is about $10.50 per hour, but will vary
by experience and location. Experienced TeleMarketers who successfully sell high-priced
products can expect to earn up to $18 per hour.
Tips for Successful TeleMarketing:
Have a Plan. Have a Script. Speak Slowly and Clearly.
Be Prepared to Have a Conversation.
Be Prepared to be Told “No” or “No, Thank you”
Handling the Gatekeeper.
Always End a Call Politely. Always Take Action on Your Calls.
What Education do you Need to be a TeleMarketer:
Most Employers require that a TeleMarketer have at least a high school diploma
or its equivalent. To help prepare for a career in TeleMarketing students can take
classes in communications, sales and business.
What is TeleMarketing Call Center:
A TeleMarketing call center is a company that makes and takes calls in order to sell
goods or services. TeleMarketers use both inbound and outbound calling; there is no
specific technology for TeleMarketing call centers.
Benefits of using TeleMarketing:
The main benefit of using TeleMarketing to promote your business is that it allows you
to immediately gauge your customer's level of interest in your product or service. Reach
more customers than with in-person sales calls. sell to both existing and new customers.
Do TeleMarketers get paid commission:
Commission. The average salary that TeleMarketers receive sometimes includes commission
payments. Companies offer the commission on top of the hourly rate to motivate
TeleMarketers to strive harder to close sales. They may also receive bonus payments
for successful quarters or years.
Freelance TeleMarketer:
More and more companies are outsourcing their Marketing efforts, and TeleMarketing is one
of them. As a freelance TeleMarketer working from home, you will be setting appointments
with customers and creating warm leads for companies. The amount you charge will depend on
the size of the company you are working for, and the project they want to allocate you.
Wishing you all the best,