Types Of Fuels

Also known as ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol, this flammable, colorless liquid
is made by the fermentation of sugars in certain plants. Vast majority of ethanol
produced — more than 16 billion gallons is made from corn. In Brazil, sugarcane
is the abundant, renewable feedstock of choice.
Most of the gasoline we buy every day already contains ethanol — up to 10 percent (E10).
Adding ethanol to gasoline increases octane, which boosts engine power and performance.
There are over 20 million flex-fuel vehicles on the road: all built
to run safely and efficiently on E85, a fuel blend that’s between 51 percent
and 83 percent ethanol. All vehicles built since model year 2001 can also safely
run on E15 (a blend of up to 15 percent ethanol), which more stations around
the country are beginning to offer.
Ethanol can be made from a variety of plants:
including switchgrass, corn stalks and leaves (called corn stover) and some varieties
of cactus. The ethanol derived from these sources is called cellulosic ethanol.
Ethanol can also be processed from our abundant new supplies of natural gas.
What is the best feedstock: Ideally, the one
that is widely available in a particular area and can be made into ethanol at the
scale needed to meet consumer demand.
At the pump, E85 often sells for 15-30 percent less than regular gasoline.
Ethanol does have less energy content than gasoline, but the engine efficiency
gains from ethanol mean that E85 can cost less per mile to use. Learn more
about ethanol on our fact sheet.
Also known as methyl alcohol or wood alcohol, this flammable, colorless liquid is the
simplest alcohol. Process for converting raw materials to methanol is simpler than
with ethanol, making the potential cost savings to the consumer very attractive.
Anything that once was biomass can be converted to methanol for use as a fuel.
These raw material “feedstocks” include coal, natural gas and farm waste.
Trash in landfills emits methane gas over time:
which can be captured and converted to methanol. Unlike ethanol, methanol is
toxic and not fit for humans to drink. It is used in making antifreeze, solvent
and window cleaner. It’s the main component in windshield wiper fluid, which
we dump directly to the atmosphere.
Various tests have shown that methanol can safely be used in vehicles that
also run on E85. But more so than with ethanol, material compatibility is
a concern: Water in the fuel can cause corrosion of parts if the wrong material
is used, such as zinc or aluminum.
After being extracted from the ground, crude is shipped to an oil refinery,
where it is heated to temperatures above 350°C in a pressurized chamber and
distilled into gasoline.
However, before it can be sold, this unfinished gasoline needs to be blended
with additives to boost its low octane rating in order to achieve increased
efficiency and avoid harming engines with pre-ignition and/or knocking — problems
that can cause severe engine damage.
Although lead was used as an additive, it was banned for causing brain damage.
Most gasoline currently sold in the United States is blended with aromatics,
ethanol, or some combination of the two to boost its octane rating.
Like gasoline, diesel fuel must also undergo a refining process before it’s ready
for use, with approximately 12 gallons of diesel being made from every 42-gallon
barrel of crude oil.
At the refinery, crude is heated to temperatures between 200°C and 350°C and then
distilled into diesel fuel. While diesel is generally acknowledged as being more
efficient than gasoline and emits fewer greenhouse gases, diesel engines have trouble
starting in cold weather and produce more NOx, one of the main components in smog.
Natural gas:
Methane (CH4) is the main component of natural gas, and it’s often found in the
same wells that bring up oil. Methane is a simple molecule that burns cleanly,
and currently there is so much of it underground in the United States that oil
drillers find it unprofitable to capture, so it’s burned off into the atmosphere.
As a fuel, methane, in its gas form, has to be compressed (CNG) to be used in vehicles.
CNG is mostly used in heavy-duty or commercial vehicles. Some types of vehicles, such
as delivery trucks, use liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is cooled to -162°C.
Individuals can also convert existing cars to run on natural gas (as CNG)
but an EPA certified kit costs between $5,000 and $10,000.
The most common element on Earth, hydrogen (H2) is used as a transportation fuel
when it’s contained inside electrochemical cells. There are several types of “fuel cell”
vehicles on the market, including the Mercedes F-Cell and Toyota’s new Mirai.
Hydrogen is pumped into the fuel cell as a gas, and when it ignites, it combines
with oxygen to produce only water and heat, with zero toxic emissions.
Hydrogen is rarely found in its pure state; most of the time it’s already bonded
to another molecule (like water, H2O). It takes energy to split that bond, and
currently that is difficult to balance out.
Hydrogen requires only a 4 percent mixture with air to burn, so it’s easy to detonate
and burns very quickly. Leaks are a concern during storage, however. It takes a lot
of energy to compress into an energy density appropriate for vehicle refueling. These
vehicles are also much more expensive than vehicles that run on gasoline or alcohols.
This is vegetable oil that has had a glycerol removed, a process that involves adding
methanol and lye. This makes the mixture less viscous and gives it additional energy
density. This makes the fuel easier to use in vehicles year-round, even in winter.
Straight vegetable oil (SVO) also is a “drop-in” fuel, but cold weather can cause
the fuel to gel. It’s important to note that biodiesel replaces diesel fuel,
not gasoline. Most diesel-fueled vehicles in the U.S. are heavy-duty and commercial trucks.
Wishing you all the best,