Watermelon Farming

Watermelon Farming:
The scientific name of the watermelon is Citrullus Lanatus. South Africa is the origin of
watermelon. It is a highly nutritious fruit. And you can start watermelon farming with
small capital investment. Watermelon gives 50-60 tons per hectare yield.
Ideal Conditions for Watermelon Farming:
Watermelons need warm climate for growth. It can be grown all through the year in places
like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal and Rajasthan. It can be
only cultivated after the frost in places like Haryana. These must be grown in
greenhouses that have adequate protection from frosts.
Climate for Water Cultivation:
Being a warm season crop, the plant requires ample sunshine and dry weather for
production of fruits. In case they are grown in places where winter is prevalent,
then they must be provided with adequate protection from cold and frost. They are
extremely sensitive to the slightest of frost and hence care must be taken to keep
the frost away from the crop. 24-27⁰C is ideal for the seed germination and growth
of watermelon plants. A cool night would ensure ample development of sugars in the fruit.
Watermelon Seasons in India:
In India, since the climate is mostly tropical, all seasons are suitable for watermelon
cultivation. However, watermelon is sensitive to cold and frost. Therefore, in parts of
the country where winter is severe, watermelons are cultivated after the frost has passed.
In places like Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, etc. watermelon cultivation
is possible almost any time of the year.
Soil for Watermelon Farming:
Watermelons grow best in sandy loam soil that drains easily. It also grows well
in black soil and sandy soil. They must have a good amount of organic content and
must not withhold water. Water must easily drain off from the soil else the vines
are likely to develop fungal infections.
pH for Watermelon Cultivation:
The pH of the soil must be between 6.0 and 7.5. While soil with a neutral pH is
preferred, it can also grow well even if the soil is slightly alkaline.
Irrigation for Watermelon Growing:
Watermelon is a dry season crop and it must be planted with irrigation. The watermelon
beds are irrigated two days prior to sowing and then again 5 days after sowing the seeds.
As the plant grows, irrigation is done on a weekly basis.
Attention must be paid to water stress at the time of irrigation since it can lead
to fruit cracking. While irrigating, water must be restricted to the root zone of
the plant. Wetting of vines or other vegetative parts must be avoided especially during
flowering or fruiting time as wetting can lead to withering away of the flowers,
fruits or even the plant as a whole.
Crop Rotation with Watermelon:
Owing to the risk of developing various diseases, watermelon is grown on the same soil
only after a period of 3 years. It is usually rotated with paddy or with vegetables
like tomato, chillies, etc.
Land Preparation and Planting Watermelon Seeds:
The land is ploughed until the soil becomes very fine tilth. The land is then prepared
according to the type of sowing to be done. Watermelons are generally seeded directly
in the farms. However, in case it has to be protected from frosts, then it is seeded
in nurseries or greenhouses and later transplanted into the main field.
Pollination in Watermelon Farming:
This is a very important step in watermelon cultivation. Unlike most other crops,
flowers on watermelon plants cannot develop into fruits on their own. As mentioned
earlier, male and female flowers grow on the same plant, but, separately. The male
flowers are smaller in size and appear first while female flowers are huge and
appear later. Manual pollination is done early morning. For manual pollination
the steps to be followed are:
Pluck the male flowers:
The stamen of the male flower (which contains pollen) is brushed against the stigma of the
female flower (which is at the center). This helps the pollen stick to the female flower
It is said that the initial female flowers give the best fruits. Some farmers pinch out
the tip of the branch once the fruits are set. This helps them attain large fruits.
Weed Control in Watermelon Farming:
Weeding is needed only in the initial stages of watermelon growth. Being a vine, use of
herbicides must be done very carefully else the healthy plants may get affected. The first
weeding is done about 25 days after sowing. weeding is done once a month. Once the vines
begin to spread, weeding is not necessary as the vines take care of the weeds.
Disease control:
While transplanting watermelons ensure that the plants are free of the disease.
Apply fungicide before and after installing the row cover if any. There must be enough
air circulation in the crop and the humidity level must be kept in check. Excess irrigation
must be avoided- drip irrigation would ensure just enough water in the soil.
The field must be constantly monitored.
Harvesting Watermelon: The white colored part of the fruit touching the ground turn yellowish.
A thudding sound is produced when the melons are thumped (a dense sound is produced from immature fruits).
Fruits only mature when they are attached to the vine. Hence immature fruits must be left untouched.
For harvesting ripe fruits, the stem is cut about an inch away from the fruits with the help of a knife. Upon harvesting,
the fruits are graded according to their sizes. Then they can be stored at 15C for maximum two weeks.
They must not be stored with apples or bananas since the latter lose the flavor.
Wishing you all the best,