Commercial Crops

Beans Farming: Beans are another Food that is
Consumed in all the parts of the world. Beans if well preserved can last long and
they can be comfortably bagged and transported from one region to another.
Cultivation of Beans:
If you looking towards going into farming and you live a region that has soil
composition and climatic condition that supports the cultivation of beans,
then you should consider going into beans farming.
Different Types of Beans:
There are different types of beans that you can cultivate, just ensure that you
conduct your research and market survey before making your choice on the type
of beans that is highly marketable in your Country.
Carrots Cultivation: Easy to cultivate and
sell agriculture produce that a farmer can cultivate is Carrot. Carrot is a crop
that is Consumed in all the parts of the world because of its nutritional value.
There is a large global market for Carrots. One good thing about Carrot
is that you can cultivate Carrots alongside other crops such as cucumber,
water melon etc.
Cashew Plantation: Cashew is a cash crop
that is Consumed all over the world. One good thing about Cashew is that aside
from the fruits that can be eaten fresh or processed into juice, the Nuts are
also edible; they are eaten as snacks.
Cultivation of Cashew:
One of your options is to go into the cultivation of Cashew. Just like most
fruit trees, once your Cashew trees are matured, you will continue to Harvest
from them for as long as possible.
Cashew Nut Processing: Cashew nut processing and
packaging is similar to Groundnut processing, the only difference is, Cashew Nuts
are more expensive and difficult to get than Groundnuts.
Raw Cashew Nuts:
Raw Cashew Nuts are readily available in local village Farms and markets where you
can purchase them, bring them home for processing and packaging and sell them
at a good profit.
Cotton Wool Farming: Wools can be gotten from
sheep and also from Cotton Wool. It is regarded as a cash crop. Wool is a major
component in textile industry, as it is used in producing textiles for garments.
Large Market for Cotton Wool:
This goes to show that there is a very large market for Wool. There are no limits
to the income; you can generate vast hectares of land to cultivate Cotton Wool.
Cotton Wool can easily be exported from one Country to another and there is
readily available market for Cotton Wool.
Groundnut Cultivation: Groundnut is a cash
crop that can is Consumed in all the parts of the world. The truth is that, there
is a large market for Groundnuts. Where the soil composition supports the cultivation
of Groundnuts, can consider going into the cultivation of Groundnut. There are
lot of things that can get from Groundnut after it has been processed.
There is the Groundnut oil; peanut butter etc.
Wishing you all the best,