Cup Cake Making

Cup Cake Making
How to make Cup Cake:
Take Butter mix with sugar powder, mix with mixer gently. Take Wheat flour (maida) mix with milk.
Take Cocova powder mix it with water just like paste. Then mix all these with mixer.
Then take a ready made cup type plate to fix in Oven. Put Paste equally in Cups Plate, Put it in oven 20 minutes in 180 C.
Then your cakes are ready to serve, if you like, you can put ice cream in that for taste.
How do you make chocolate cupcakes from scratch: Ingredients.
2 cups granulated sugar.
1 3/4 cup + 2 Tbsp all-purpose flour.
3/4 cups natural unsweetened cocoa powder, 2 tsp baking powder.
1 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp salt.
2/3 cup canola oil vegetable oil would also be fine, 1 cup milk.
How do you make a cake from scratch: Instructions.
Heat the oven to 350°F, Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
Prepare the pans: Rub the bottoms and sides of the cake pans with a little butter, shortening, or baking spray.
Beat the butter and sugar until fluffy and light.
Add the eggs one at a time.
What makes a cake fluffy and light: Creaming simply means beating butter with sugar until light and fluffy,
trapping tiny air bubbles. The air bubbles you're adding, plus the CO2 released by raising agents, will expand as they heat up,
and the cake will rise.
What does baking soda do in cake: Through the chemical reaction created by combining baking soda with liquid, acid, and heat,
carbon dioxide is created. These tiny CO2 gas bubbles allow for soft and airy baked goods such as cookies, pancakes, and cakes.
Baking soda also increases pH levels while reducing gluten.
What does baking soda do in cakes: Through the chemical reaction created by combining baking soda with liquid, acid,
and heat, carbon dioxide is created. These tiny CO2 gas bubbles allow for soft and airy baked goods such as cookies, pancakes,
and cakes. Baking soda also increases pH levels while reducing gluten.
You can deliver in home to your children and friend, if you like, you can take orders from outside also to get good income.
You can supply for birth days and events according to orders.
Wishing you all the best,