Disposable Plastic Cup Making
Disposable Plastic Cup Making
Disposable Plastic Cup Making: Small area of space for manufacturing is enough.
Craft Business Plan: Have business plan carefully. Determine
the form of organization and management pattern. Calculate the startup costs in detail. Startup cost includes machinery purchase,
raw material purchase, preliminary expenses and other operational and marketing expenses. Have a marketing plan also.
Registration & Licensing: This type of business doesn’t attract
complicated licensing issues. However, you must check the Federal laws of your state. Additionally, check if it requires NOC from
Pollution Control Board.
Register your business: For a small-scale operation,
it is better to form a proprietorship or partnership company. Also, you can consider an OPC or LLP company to get a corporate
identity. Register your business with MSME Udyog Aadhaar. In India, GST registration is mandatory for product-based companies.
Register your company brand name with Trademark Registration. Check the yearly tax and compliance liability. According to
your business plan, you must arrange the startup capital.
Setup the Unit: You can start a small-scale disposable plastic cup making unit
in a 1000 Sq Ft space. Equip your admin department carefully. From the very first day, you will need to generate the invoice,
Chelan, and money receipt. You will need to have the control of stock. Hence, it is advisable to use accounting software for
ultimate control and smooth running of the business.
Disposable Plastic Cup Making Machinery: With some simple machinery,
you can start this business. The major equipment required by the unit for manufacturing plastic disposable cups are as follows:
• Automatic thermoforming machine, Die Punch for cups. Other accessories (Air compressor).
• Sheet extruder and scrap grinder, Testing equipment
Procure Raw Materials: The main raw material is High Impact
Polystyrene (HPIS) sheet (15 MT per annum). Additionally, you will need to procure packaging consumables too.
Manufacturing Process: Drag the Polypropylene/Polystyrene sheet feeding
reels of preset length from bobbin reel in the thermoforming plant. Here, the conveyor chains carry the sheet through the
heater assembly to the forming table.
Then, punch the heated sheet to form the shape of the mold. Finally, stock the formed cups. And the punched waster sheet is
wound on scrap sheet winder. If you want to produce printed cups, print the sheets before forming into the cup. Taking 200ml.
cup as a yardstick as it is mostly used for serving coffee/tea. The installed capacity of the machine with 5 cavities mold
is approximately 52000 cups per shift.
In terms of weight, a 200ml cup made of 0.6mm thick High Impact Polystyrene sheet is approximately 2.50 gms.In this process,
the raw material wastage is very high. Therefore, you will need to recycle the scrap. The scrap can be ground and
extruded in sheet extruder.
After the complete production, you will need to pack the cups and store. Basically, distribution and institution selling is
the most proven ways of promoting this business. Most of the food and beverages brands buy these cups. In that case,
you will need to visit the companies to offer your products. You must concentrate on the retail distribution for
promoting the disposable plastic cup business widely.
Wishing you all the best,