Field Crop Farming

Field Crop Farming:
Soybeans, Cloves and other types of Crops require a fair amount of Field space
to grow. But if you have the land, you can harvest specific Crops to sell to
food producers.
Field Corn:
Field Crop a Crop other than Fruits or vegetables that is grown for agricultural
purposes; cotton, hay, and Grain are Field Crops Crop a cultivated plant that is
grown commercially on a large scale. Field Corn - Corn grown primarily for animal
Feed or market Grain.
What are Field Crops:
Field Crop - a Crop (other than Fruits or vegetables) that is grown for
agricultural purposes; "cotton, hay, and Grain are Field Crops" Crop -
a cultivated plant that is grown commercially on a large scale. Field Corn -
Corn grown primarily for animal Feed or market Grain.
Examples of Field Crops:
Examples are wheat, rice, Corn, soybean, alfalfa and forage Crops, beans,
sugar beets, canola, and cotton. Also called 'Field Crops', these Crops
typically consist of a large majority of a country's agricultural
acreage and Crop revenue.
Most Profitable Specialty Crops to Grow:
Lavender. Lavender farming can produce above-average profits
for small growers, as it is such a versatile Crop.
Gourmet mushrooms. Woody ornamentals.
Landscaping trees and shrubs. Bonsai plants.
Japanese maples. Willows. Garlic.
Easy Crops to Grow From Seed:
Lettuce. Lettuce can be sown directly in your garden bed, or started indoors
for transplanting. Peas. Snap, snow, and shelling peas are all best sown as
early as the Soil can be worked in spring.
Radishes, Turnips, Beans, Sunflowers, Sweet Potatoes, Winter Squash,
including Pumpkins.
What are the types of Crops:
A Crop is a plant or plant product that can be grown and harvested for profit
or subsistence. By use, Crops fall into six categories: food Crops, Feed Crops,
fiber Crops, oil Crops, ornamental Crops, and industrial Crops. Food Crops,
such as fruit and vegetables, are harvested for human consumption.
What are modern farming methods:
Modern farming methods refer to the agricultural production system characterized
by the high inputs of capital, labour, heavy usage of farm machinery such as
threshers, harvesters, winnowing machine, heavy usage of technology such as
selective breeding, pesticides, chemical fertilizers and insecticides.
Factors affecting Crop production:
External factors, Precipitation, Temperature.
Atmospheric Humidity (Relative Humidity - RH)
Solar radiation (without which life will not exist)
Wind velocity, Atmospheric gases on plant growth, Soil moisture.
What are some early farming methods:
In the process, they developed adaptations to maintain Soils, ward off
frost and freeze cycles, and protect their Crops from animals.
Chinampa Wetland Farming, Raised Fields Agriculture, Mixed Cropping,
The Three Sisters.
Ancient Farming Technique: Slash and Burn Agriculture.
Viking Age Landnám.
Core Concept: Horticulture.
Wishing you all the best,