Ice Cream Parlour

Ice Cream Parlour: Ice-Cream Parlor – Starting Ice
Cream Parlor is another good Business idea to start. One thing is, we should always
maintain Freezer carefully. By current Fluctuations, if Freezer is Stopped, automatically,
all most all Ice Creams in Freezer will be Diluted and Mixed, then it will
not be Useful to Sale.
How much does it Cost to Open an Ice Cream Shop:
Franchise: $32,000 to $45,000. Despite that, you will be held responsible for the
monthly Royal Fees and Marketing Contributions. If you are a first-time Owner, you may
need to come up with your Own Marketing ideas for your Ice Cream Shop and spend
out of Your Own Pocket.
Why is it called an Ice Cream Parlor:
The first Ice Cream Parlor in America opened in New York City in 1776. American Colonists
were the first to use the term "Ice Cream". The name came from the Phrase "Iced Cream"
that was Similar to "Iced tea". The name was later abbreviated to "Ice Cream" the
name we know today.
Top Ten Best Ice Cream Companies:
1 Ben & Jerry's Ben & Jerry's Homemade Holdings Inc, trading as Ben & Jerry's, is a
Company that Manufactures Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt, and Sorbet.
2 Häagen-Dazs, 3 Breyers, 4 Baskin Robbins, 5 Blue Bell, 6 Cold Stone Creamery.
Ice Cream Shop Equipment You Will Need: Ice Cream
Machines. Obviously, you'll need a high quality machine that will turn liquid
Ingredients into the Creamy, Frozen treat known as Ice Cream, Ice Cream Dipping Cabinets,
Blenders, Sinks and Dishwashers.
Top Ten Ice Cream Flavors:
1 Cookies N' Cream. whats better than cookies and milk, well you know.
2 Mint Chocolate Chip, 3 Chocolate, 4 Vanilla. Vanilla, 5 Cookie Dough. Best Ice Cream
ever!, 6 Strawberry, 7 Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, 8 Rocky Road.
How can I improve my Ice Cream Business:
We have Compiled a few fun Marketing ideas that can help your Wholesale Ice Cream
Business increase sales and expand into new Markets.
Make a Fun Ice Cream Challenge, Host a Sundae Making Event, Sponsor Parties to Get
Your Name Out There.
Create a Tasting Bar at Your Local Grocery Store.
How much does Ice Cream Equipment Cost:
Generally, you can expect to pay $8,600 to $10,000 for a new Countertop Machine
Serving or Making one Flavor of Soft Serve Ice Cream, and $19,000 to $21,000 for
a Larger Floor Model for more than one Flavor. A Countertop Hard Ice Cream Server
usually runs about $9,000 to $10,000.
Does an Ice Cream shop Need a Grease trap:
An Ice Cream store only needs a Grease trap if you make your own Ice Cream on Premises
or if you prepare any other Food such as Baked Goods, Crepes or Espresso on site. If
you only Serve Ice Cream that is delivered to the site and sold in Disposable Cups,
you will most Likely not Need a Grease Trap.
Do you Need a Food Hygiene Certificate to sell Ice Cream:
Ice Cream Van: This means that you Need to have Sufficient Knowledge in Hygienic Food
Preparation and Cleaning Procedures as well as Knowledge of how to Prevent giving your
Customers Food Poisoning. A Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene for Catering Course is
recommended for all Ice Cream van employees.
So be careful, regarding this point. So for Ice Cream, Freezers, always use Online UPS,
then it will be safe to your Products.
Wishing you all the best,