Jam Making:
This Business as a Small Scale with Low Capital investment. You can produce
Jam from almost every type of Fruit and some Vegetables. Fruit Jam contains
Rich Fruit Pulp and available in Mango, Apple, Mixed Fruit, Pineapple and
Orange Flavors.
Jelly is a clear, Mixture made from Fruit Juice, Sugar and sometimes Pectin.
Domestic Households, Restaurants are the Major Consumers these items. Jam as
the Bread Spread and as a Filling for some Cakes and Cookies.
How do I make Jam: Jam-making Directions.
Step 1 - Pick the Berries!
Step 2 - Wash the Jars and Lids.
Step 3 -Wash and Hull the Fruit!
Step 4 - Crush the Fruit.
Step 5 - Measure out the Sugar.
Step 6 - Mix the berries with the Pectin and cook to a full boil.
Step 7 - Get the lids warming in hot (but not boiling) water.
How can I thicken Jam without Pectin:
To Remake Without Added Pectin. For each Quart of Jelly, add 2 tablespoons bottled
Lemon Juice. Heat to Boiling and Boil for 3 to 4 minutes. Test for Gel set to Determine
Jelly doneness. Remove from Heat, Quickly Skim off Foam, and Fill Sterile Jars,
Leaving ¼-inch Headspace.
How do you know Jam is ready: 1) The Saucer Test.
Once you think that your Jam has reached its setting point or has thickened,
Spoon a bit of the Jam on the Cold Plate and Tilt it vertically so the Jam runs.
You are aiming for a slow descent, not a runny Mess. If it runs slow, it is set!
Business Registration: Register Business first.
There are four Options such as OPC, LLP, Pvt. Ltd and Ltd. Co. Obtain Trade License.
Apply for FSSAI License. You can Register your Business as SSI Unit.
Jam Making Ingredients: The major Raw Materials for
the Production of Mixed Fruit Jam & jelly, Marmalade and different Fruits and Vegetables.
These are Orange, Guava, Pineapple, Papaya, JackFruit and Banana. The Consumables are
Sugar, Preservatives, Citric acid, Food Grade Colors, Chemicals, Pectin, Flavors,
Common Salt etc. Procure the Packaging Consumables. Pack the Product Glass Bottle
or Jars, Finally in Cartons.
Machines & Equipment: You will need to have the
following Machinery. Pulpier, Juice Extractor, Grinder, Slicer, Mixer, Cap Sealing
Machine, Bottle Washing Machine and Carton Sealing Machine. From this type of unit,
you can expect 30 tons Production Output per year on 2 shift working and 300
working days.
Making: In Large Scale Production Unit you will Need
to Establish a fully automatic production unit. Procure some other Equipment and Tools,
includes Weighing Scale, Glassware, Working Tables, Canteen Burners, Stainless Steel
Utensils, Hand Gloves, Cutters and Graters, Storage racks etc. Have Testing equipment
like Jell Meter, Refract Meter etc.
Jam Making Process:
Wash the Fruits in Water and remove the Skins. After Peeling, cut or slice them
into small Pieces. Then, Boil these Pieces with Water. Add an Appropriate Quantity
of Sugar with the Pulp. When the Temperature is around 60 C; Citric acid, Color,
Essence etc. are added. This Mixture is then Stirred for a while, Cooled and then
Packed in Bottles.
The Process Flow Chart is:
Washing, Peeling and Slicing of Fruits → Boiling → Mixing of Sugar with
pulp → Cooling → Packing.
Learning Resource For Jam Making:
Start a Jam Making Business, then you must have Indepth Knowledge about Several aspects.
These are Ingredients, Recipe, Production Process, Packaging etc. If you are an absolute
beginner then a Book is the most Valuable Resource.
Wishing you all the best,