Maize Farming

Maize Farming:
Maize is yet another Crop that is consumed globally. Maize can be processed
into various forms; gourmet, flour, beers etc. There is a large market for Maize
and Maize is simple to cultivate. In most parts of the world and perhaps with
the aid of scientific advancement, Maize can be cultivated all though the year
irrespective of the season.
Farming Business:
So if you are looking towards starting your own farming business, a product
that can be cultivated within a short period, then Maize farming will become
the right choice.
Market Centers:
After processing, you can find your nearest market yards; otherwise get the
information in online through Google search engine, about the best market
centers. If you take it some risk you can sell it, for a moderate price.
Get the information about Market centers, Price, Location Maps now available.
Availability points are most important to run this as commercial Crop
into profitable way.
How long does it take Maize to grow:
60 to 100 days. Corn requires from 60 to 100 days to reach harvest depending
on the variety and Warm Weather. Corn is ready for harvest when ears turn dark
green, silks turn brown, and kernels are soft and plump; squeeze a kernel and
the juice will be milky, not clear.
How many times is Maize planted in a year:
Maize can be grown as a single Crop in a year or 2-3 Crops in the same year
because both short and long duration varieties of the Crops are available.
In areas where Maize is grown as a mixed Crop, Crops that are of short variety
are grown between the tall Maize plants.
In which season Maize Crop is grown:
There are three distinct seasons for the cultivation of Maize: the main season
is Kharif; whereas its cultivation during Rabi in Peninsular India and Bihar
and in spring in northern India is done. Higher yields have been recorded
in the Rabi and spring Crops.
Maize Crops:
Corn, (Zea mays), also called Indian Corn or Maize, cereal plant of the grass
family (Poaceae) and its edible Grain. The domesticated Crop originated in the
Americas and is one of the most widely distributed of the world's food Crops.
Is Maize and Corn the same thing:
L. Maize (/me: z/ MAYZ; Zea mays subsp. mays, from Spanish: maíz after Taino: mahiz),
also known as Corn (American English), is a cereal Grain first domesticated by
indigenous peoples in southern Mexico about 10,000 years ago.
Which Soil is best for Maize production:
Maize thrives well in most Soils, as far as they are deep (more than 1 meter)
and fertile, and have a good water holding capacity. Maize grows best on sandy
clay (loams), loamy and silty clay Soils; it is less adapted
to compact clays and sands.
Is Maize a Rabi or Kharif Crop:
The terms 'Kharif' and 'Rabi' originate from ARabic language where Kharif means
autumn and Rabi means spring. The Kharif Crops include rice, Maize, Sorghum,
pearl Millet/bajra, finger Millet/ragi (cereals), arhar (pulses), soyabean,
groundnut (Oilseeds), cotton etc.
What temperature is needed for Maize:
Night and day temperatures should be higher for its deposition. The Maize
Crop requires sufficient moisture in the Soil since its inception. Temperature
of 18 to 23 degree Celsius for deposition and 28 degree Celsius temperature
is considered good for growth and development. Maize can be grown
in all types of Soil.
Importance of Maize:
It is mostly produced by small scale farmers. Maize is also an important livestock
feed both as silage and as Crop residue, Grain and is also used industrially for
starch and Oil extraction. It is an important source of carbohydrate, protein,
iron, vitamin B, and minerals.
Is Maize better than Wheat:
Corn flour has lower calories compared to wheat flour. It is high in proteins
and starch. Maize is also rich in iron, phosphorous, zinc and various vitamins.
Abundant in antioxidants, Maize flour is proven to be good for eyesight,
and also helps in the prevention of cancer, and anemia.
How do you increase Maize production:
Consider these 9 tips, techniques, and methods regarding
how to increase your Corn Crop yield.
Plant Early, Plant Effectively. Practice Seasonal Soil Rotation.
Know The Yield Potential. Always Scout Your Fields.
Ensure Proper Water Drainage. Utilize Fertilizers.
Test Your Soil. Weed Early and Often.
How Maize is planted:
Planting should start a few days after the onset of the rains when the Soil is moist.
Fourth, for good growth and development, Maize should be planted at the right spacing.
The recommended spacing is 75cm between rows and 25cm for plants. The planting
holes should be about 5cm deep.
What is the yield of Maize per acre:
The Maize hybrids possess capability of producing more than 120 maunds
Grains per acre. The yield of local varieties is 40 – 50 maunds per acre.
What is hybrid Maize seed:
Hybrid seed Corn is a unique and very specialized Crop. Hybrid seed Corn production
involves the crossing of two inbred lines, hybridization. The two inbreds that are
used in the process are referred to as male the plant responsible for producing pollen
and female the plant which produces the hybrid seed.
What climate is best for Corn:
Corn Climate Needs: Corn does best with Warm, sunny growing Weather (75–86° F),
well-distributed intermittent moderate rains, or irrigation (15 or more inches
during the growing season), and 130 or more frost-free days. The U.S. Corn belt
has these Soil and climatic conditions.
Which fertilizer is suitable for Maize:
Nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrogen is the most important nutrient and role player
in the growth, yield and quality of Maize Crops. Nitrogen fertilizer is essential
to promote good leaf growth.
What is the best Maize seed:
Our Selection of Maize Varieties. We recommend the use of: |- medium-late
varieties Panama and Odeon (also suitable for silage production), |- late
variety Net, |- very late varieties Nikaïa and Mas 61 which are also both
suitable for forage production.
How do you care for a Corn plant:
Corn needs about 1 inch of water a week, particularly when the stalks begin
to tassel. Water stress during pollination will result in ears with lots of
missing kernels, so do not skip watering your Corn patch. Apply water at the
Soil surface by using a soaker hose or drip irrigation.
How often should I water Corn plant:
A rule of thumb for watering is to water every 7-10 days or when no moisture
is felt when a finger is placed about an inch inside of the Soil. Water Corn
Plant until the Soil becomes moist but be careful not to water excessively
as over watering may result in leaf drop, wilting, or possibly death of the plant.
Climatic requirements for Maize Farming:
This crop usually grows well under temperatures varying from 22°C to 30°C,
although it can tolerate temperatures as high as 35°C. This crop is affected
by frost, so it is grown where at least 5 frost-free months available in a year.
It requires at least 50 to 90 cm of rainfall.
How long does it take maize to mature:
4 months. Maize matures very fast, within 3–4 months of planting, the crop is
ready for harvest, depending on which stage you want to harvest your crop but
then harvesting of early maize is done by May and late Maize is harvested
by October.
How do you grow maize:
Planting should start a few days after the onset of the rains when the soil
is moist. Fourth, for good growth and development, maize should be planted
at the right spacing. The recommended spacing is 75cm between rows and 25cm
for plants. The planting holes should be about 5cm deep.
In which season maize crop is grown:
There are three distinct seasons for the cultivation of maize: the main season
is kharif; whereas its cultivation during Rabi in Peninsular India and Bihar
and in spring in northern India is done. Higher yields have been recorded in
the Rabi and spring crops.
Which is the best fertilizer for maize:
The standard fertilizer recommendation for maize consists of 150 kg ha-1 NPK
14–23–14 and 50 kg ha-1 urea (Dugué 2010). Composite soil samples were
collected at 0–20 cm depth after plowing and before fertilizer application.
Fertilizer application was done by researcher team.
Which soil is best for maize production:
Maize can be grown successfully in variety of soils ranging from loamy sand
to clay loam. However, soils with good organic matter content having high
water holding capacity with neutral pH are considered good for higher
Is maize a kharif crop:
Maize is grown throughout the year. It is predominantly a kharif crop with 85
per cent of the area under cultivation in the season. Maize is the third most
important cereal crop in India after rice and wheat. It accounts for around
10 per cent of total food grain production in the country.
What temperature is needed for maize:
Optimum growth in a maize crop occurs in climates with mid-summer temperatures
between 21 °C and 27 °C (Shaw, 1977). Furthermore, the optimum temperature for
maximum maize grain yield lies around 25 °C.
Which state of India is the largest producer of maize:
Karnataka (15%) is the largest state for maize cultivation followed by
Rajasthan (13%) and Madhya Pradesh (10%). After rice and wheat, maize is the
third most important field crop.
What is importance of maize:
Maize is an important cereal crops in the world. It provides staple food to many
populations. In developing countries maize is a major source of income to farmers
among whom many are resource- poor. Maize cultivation in the world is limited
by diseases which cause grain loss of about 11% of the total production.
Which country is first in maize production:
Maize is widely cultivated throughout the world, and a greater weight of maize
is produced each year than any other grain. The United States produces 40% of
the world harvest; other top producing countries include China, Brazil, Mexico,
Indonesia, India, France and Argentina.
What are 5 uses of Corn:
Dextrose (Food, Drug Uses).
Dextrins (Industrial Uses).
Cornstarch (Food, Drug and Cosmetic Uses).
Corn Oil, Refined (Food, Drug Uses).
Corn Syrup (Industrial Uses).
High Fructose Corn Syrup (Food Uses).
Cornstarch (Industrial Uses).
Corn Syrup (Food, Drug Uses) Liquid or Dried Form.
Is maize a carbohydrate or protein:
Highly Nutritious. Corn is high in carbs and packed with fiber, vitamins and
minerals. It is also relatively low in protein and fat. One cup (164 grams) of
sweet yellow Corn contains (5): Calories: 177 calories.
Is maize a carbohydrate:
The major chemical component of the maize kernel is starch, which provides
up to 72 to 73 percent of the kernel weight. Other carbohydrates are simple
sugars present as glucose, sucrose and fructose in amounts that vary from
1 to 3 percent of the kernel.
What are the benefits of Corn:
Corn has several health benefits. Because of the high fiber content, it can aid
with digestion. It also contains valuable B vitamins, which are important to your
overall health. Corn also provides our bodies with essential minerals such as zinc,
magnesium, copper, iron and manganese.
Is Maize good for diabetes:
Yes, you can eat Corn if you have diabetes. Corn is a source of energy, vitamins,
minerals, and fiber. It's also low in sodium and fat. That said, follow the advice
of the American Diabetes Association.
Is sweet Corn good for skin:
Supplies Anti-Aging Benefits. The seed coat of Corn pods is composed of phenolic
acids and flavonoids - two classes of antioxidants that are excellent free
radical terminators. This promotes new skin cell formation, concealing fine
lines and wrinkles.
Wishing you all the best,