Mango Plantation

Mango Plantation:
Mangoes takes time to grow; One good thing about Mango Plantation is,
once the tree is up, then you can be rest assured to harvest Mangoes
once a year.
Summer Season:
Summer Season is the best season for Mangos, Every year in summer 3 months
crop will be there. It is a profitable crop. Maintenance is very less.
Can be processed as juice:
There is hardly any part of the world where Mangoes are consumed either directly
or after been processed as juice. This goes to show that there is a large market
for Mangoes.
How fast do Mango Trees grow:
The seed grown Trees will take a lot longer to bear Fruit.
Unless you know how to graft them or know someone who does.
Mango Trees that were grown in a nursery are usually grafted and
should Fruit within three to four years. Seedling Trees may take
five to eight years.
How are Mangoes farmed:
Propagation Methods. For the purpose of commercial Mango farming, Mangoes are
mainly propagated by the grafting method such as veneer grafting, epicotyl
grafting, arching grafting etc. Though, good quality Mango tree can be prepared
in less time by the Vinier and Softwood Grafting.
Where do Mango Trees grow best:
Choose a variety that is best suited for your zone. The plant can thrive in almost
any Soil but requires well-drained Soil in a site with protection from cold.
Position your tree where it will receive full sun for best Fruit production.
How do Mango Trees grow:
Mango plantation per acre: Ideal spacing of Mango Trees in an orchard is
10 x 10 meters. With this distance around 82 Trees can be planted per acre.
In ultra high-density plantation technique, Mango is planted at 3×2 m which
accommodates 674 plants per acre. Read more about developing Fruit tree orchard.
Is salt good for Mango tree:
Give Mango Trees at least one yearly dose of magnesium for optimum Fruit
flavor if your Soil is deficient in it. ... Add it in the form of 1 to 3 pounds
of Epsom salts per 100 square feet of Soil per year. If you use dolomitic
limestone to lower your Soil's pH, however, this step may be unnecessary.
What is the lifespan of Mango tree:
Mango tree life span - 100-200 years. Peepal tree life span - 150 years.
A Mango tree can live up to three hundred years of age.
Why is Mango our national Fruit:
A fleshy Fruit, eaten ripe or used green for pickles etc., of the tree Mangifera
indica, the Mango is one of the most important and widely cultivated Fruits of
the tropical world. Its juicy Fruit is a rich source of Vitamins A, C and D.
Mangoes have been cultivated in India from time immemorial.
Do you need a male and female Mango tree to produce Fruit:
Mango Love. While you do not need two Trees to get a Fruit crop, you do need
both male and female flower parts. It's just more convenient with Mangoes since
each tree is monoecious, producing both male and female flowers.
How do you maintain a Mango tree:
Start by watering it every other day before gradually increasing the time
between irrigation to once or twice a week for the first year. It is important
to keep Mango Trees well-watered from spring to autumn but water sparingly
in late winter, before the onset of flowering. Established Trees do not
require much watering.
What is the best Soil for Mango tree:
The best Soil for Mango growth ranges between 4.5 and 7.0 pH, which is neutral
to acidic Soil. The Mango tree does tolerate slightly alkaline Soil.
How do you make a Mango tree grow faster:
Grow your grafted Mango tree under the most conducive environmental conditions.
Water new Trees two or three times the first week, flooding the area surrounding
the trunk. Fertilize your tree after new growth begins, giving it a high nitrogen
plant food monthly until fall.
Which fertilizer is best for Mango tree:
Commonly available fertilizer mixes that are satisfactory for Mango Trees
include 6-6-6 and 8-3-9-2, the 2 indicating magnesium. To encourage flowering
and Mango yield, additional rapid-release fertilizers containing nitrogen are
applied just before Mango Trees flower.
What should I feed my Mango tree:
Feed Mangoes as you would feed citrus, but do not fertilise after midsummer.
Organic Fertilisers are best, as the Trees are subject to Fertiliser burn.
Young Trees are particularly sensitive to over-fertilising, but respond well
to seaweed and fish emulsion. Sandy Soils require more Fertiliser than loam or clay.
How many Mangoes can you get per acre:
Income With 100 Mango Trees per acre the yield will be 500 - 1000 Fruit per
tree during years 10 - 20; 1000 - 3000 Fruit per tree in the years 20 - 40.
A first grade Fruit weighs 300 gr.
Wishing you all the best,