Paneer Making

Paneer Making Ingredients:
8 cups of Milk in a vessel,
Stir well upto getting good heat without bubbles.
Then 1/4 Cup Lemon juice to splitting up the Milk.
Take another vessel filter the splitted Milk with cotton cloth.
Paneer Making:
Then press the closed cloth well for getting out rest of the water in that.
Then press the Paneer in the cloth flatly, put it in holes vessel, if any excess
water is there, it will go out in the down vessel. Then take a plate put the
Paneer in that, cut it into pieces, now your Paneer is ready. n friz you can keep
it 1 month, meanwhile if you are interesting you can get orders from outside.
You can supply to Hotels, Restaurants, Bakery shops, Fast Food centers.
Can Paneer be made from spoiled Milk:
Indian cottage cheese or Paneer is healthy and full of benefits, and can be very
easily made out of spoiled Milk. You may even curdle your Milk and make your own
Paneer at home, as store-bought Paneer is expensive.
Is Paneer good for health:
In addition to being rich in Protein, Paneer is also a rich source of conjugated
linoleic acid. This fatty acid helps increasing the fat burning process in the body.
All you weight-watchers, make sure you eat raw Paneer to get effective results.
Can Vegans eat Paneer:
Milk, cheese, curd, Paneer are animal Products, but why are they considered Vegetarian?
As dairy Products and eggs, honey, etc. are taken from living creatures, they are
classified as Vegetarian. It is a strict Vegetarian or 'vegan' that does not
consume any animal product, either from a living or slaughtered animal.
Does Paneer increase fat:
Paneer is loaded with healthy fats, Proteins and are very low on carbs. It is
excellent for weight loss and diabetics. It increases levels of appetite-reducing
hormones like GLP-1, PYY and CCK, while reducing levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin,
making you crave less, thereby aiding weight loss.
Is there fat in Paneer:
Paneer has a fairly high level of fat (22–25%) and Protein (16–18%) and a low level of
lactose (2.0–2.7%).
How many grams of Paneer are there in 1 Litre Milk:
So 1 litre of cow's Milk makes 200 grams of Paneer while same from the buffalo's Milk
makes 225-250 grams.
Which is better Paneer or tofu:
Calories: Paneer is high on calories when compared to tofu. A 100 g serving of Paneer has 208 mg of calcium
whereas that of tofu contains 130 mg of calcium making Paneer more useful to build strong bones and teeth.
Iron content: Tofu is also rich in iron whereas Paneer reduces the bioavailability of iron.
Does tofu taste like Paneer:
But because tofu has a peculiar taste, most people do not prefer including it their daily Diet, which is why
Paneer tends to get more spotlight." Paneer is a Milk product, while tofu is a soy product.
Wishing you all the best,