Poultry Farming Business

Poultry Farming Business: Poultry farming is the
fastest growing sector in agriculture and farming, because of the increasing population
and worldwide demand for food protein. Poultry farming includes the activity of raising
various types of domestic birds commercially for the purpose of meat, eggs and feather
production. The most common and widely raised poultry birds are chicken.
Commercial poultry farming business has several benefits:
Size does not matter, being small has its own advantages. It is not seasonal and can
produce income for the entire year. Banks and financial institution approves the loan
for commercial poultry farming project.
How can I start poultry farming:
9 Rules For Starting Your Own Poultry Farm.
Choose Your Poultry Sector. Poultry farming is a wide industry.
Choose The Type Of Bird. Poultry farm owners rear many types of birds.
Create Your Farm Logo.
Set Farm Location.
Get Financial Help.
Spread A Word For Your Farm.
Hire Professionals.
Put Your Business On The Web.
Is poultry a good business:
I will consider poultry farming as a profitable business. To get a good amount of
profit you have cultivate at list 2000 poultry chicken at one time. Poultry droppings
are rich in nitrogen and organic material and hence, are considered valuable as
fertilizers, which is another cost benefit.
Different Methods Of Poultry Farming:
In this system, the poultry farming environment is fully controlled by the farmer.
So, it ensures continuous production throughout the year in any environment and
seasons. Here we put some methods of profitable commercial Layer Poultry Farming
and Broiler Poultry Farming.
How can I make my broiler chicken grow faster:
Here are five (5) ways to increase broilers weight:
Sort the broilers according to their body size and weight.
Formulate and give them an excellent broiler feed.
Use broiler growth promoter or enhancer.
Avoid starving the broiler chickens.
Procure quality broiler chicks from reputable sources.
Deep Litter Poultry Farming:
Careful consideration is given to the method applied in feeding the birds. You can either
pack off the entire sawdust with the dropping or cover the dropping with fresh saw dust.
The day-old chicks are housed using the brooder method before they grow up.
Battery Cage Poultry Farming:
The battery cage housing allows for the droppings to fall on a separate platform
directly under the cage. It is uniquely constructed to make feeding and drinking
quite easy for the birds.
Poultry Farming Business Plan:
Business plan is the most important part of your operation in poultry farming.
The basic consideration should be financial and technical feasibility. You will need
to have a detailed project report. How much area of land is required for the setup.
What kind of birds are you going to choose. What would be the investment in the
fixed capital. What equipment is required. How are you going to market the products.
How many bags of feed do I need for 500 broilers:
The big one is sold at 500-700 while the small ones at 170-200. Like feeders,
there are big drinkers which can cost about 500-700 and the small ones between 170-200.
Let's assume we're stocking 100 birds, for broilers, you'll need 16-20 bags of 25kg
feed to feed them from day old to table size.
How long do Broilers take to mature:
For those who are not familiar, broilers are strictly meat birds. They are often
referred to as fryers. They are bred to grow rapidly so that they are ready for
the dinner table between 4 and 10 weeks of age. As early as 4 weeks, they are
marketed as Cornish hens.
Do broilers need light at night:
From 4 weeks of age to market, provide 14 hours of light or natural daylight. range of
lighting programs but a large block of darkness when the birds are young is critical.
Sixteen hours darkness each day from 7 to 21 days of age is recommended.
How much do broilers eat per day:
You will need about 8 pounds of feed per bird based on a consumption of 3 ounces
per bird per day. Layer Feed - At about 16 weeks*, switch your chickens to layer feed.
The protein level of this feed is typically 16% to 17%. A laying hen will consume
about 1.75 pounds of feed per week.
How long do broilers need a heat lamp: six weeks.
If home temperatures range around 75 degrees, you won't need a heat lamp past week four.
But in barns or garages, which may run 60 degrees, chicks need supplementary heat
until they are fully feathered at six weeks of age.
Skills For Poultry Farming:
Getting properly trained before starting poultry farming business is highly advised.
It is very important to know how to keep and maintain the chicken or birds in an
acceptable manner.
What are the symptoms of coccidiosis in poultry:
Other symptoms of coccidiosis can include:
Diarrhea. Weakness and listlessness. Pale comb or skin. Blood located at the vent site of the bird.
Decreased food or water consumption. Ruffled feathers. Weight loss (in older chickens)
Decreased growth rate (in young chickens)
Do broilers lay eggs: Laying Eggs.
Chicken breeds raised for their eggs lay about 250 eggs per year. They begin laying
at 5 to 6 months old when the days lengthen in the springtime and stop when days
grow short in winter. Broiler chickens lay fewer eggs than other breeds, usually
about 140 per year.
What is the best broiler chicken breed:
The most popular meat for people to breed in their backyard is chicken.
Chickens that are specifically raised for meat are commonly known as Broilers.
After all, the best way to replenish your stock of meat chickens is naturally.
White Leghorn (And Brown) Egyptian Fayoumi. Turken (Naked Neck)
Buckeye. Chantecler.
Poultry Farming Care & Management:
Learn more about various types of poultry diseases, symptoms, and treatment. Vaccinate
the birds timely. Provide them nutritious feed and clean water. Clean their house on
a regular basis. To ensure continuous production of chicken and eggs, your chickens
should be regularly checked by veterinaries to ensure their health.
Poultry Farming Market Opportunities:
Employ the suitable marketing techniques. Before you start the business, you should
really consider the marketing strategy.
Wishing you all the best,