
How to make Spices:
Especially Spices will be useful in making curries and different types of Foods.
Consumption is regular in the market. Without Spices, there will be no good curry.
It is daily consuming item in Food market. In Spices so many anti oxidants, Minerals,
Vitmins, Enjymes will be there. So that international demand is high.
Fast Moving Consumer Goods:
It is one of the best item in FMCG markets (Fast Moving Consumer Goods).
Packing industry is flurishing well with this product. It is small scale busines
in FMCG and in home industry. So many people are living in this industry
for a long-while.
Food Stores and Supermarkets:
Spices used to make Food like curry, thyme, cayenne Pepper to mention a few are
usually in high demand at Food stores and supermarkets. Take advantage of that
by processing and packaging your own Spices.
Spices Packing:
For different types of Spices packing, labeling is most important. Printing MRP
(Marginal Retail Price) will give correct idea at the time supply to whole sellers
and retailers to the Consumer. Be careful about weighing packets in equal process.
Which is the largest producer of Spices:
India is the world's largest producer, Consumer and exporter of Spices,
the country produces about 75 of the 109 varieties listed by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and accounts for half of
the global trading in Spices.
How are Spices produced:
Spices are the Seeds, buds, fruits, flowers, bark, and roots of plants.
In some cases, a plant produces both a Spice and an herb. Other seasonings
are made from a mix of Spices, such as chili powder, or a mix of herbs,
such as bouquet garni. Herbs and Spices should be stored in airtight containers
in a cool cupboard.
Indian Spices To Get You Started:
Black Pepper. Peppercorns come in a rainbow of colours and while most of the
colours are used in Indian Cooking, black Peppercorns are the most common and
pack in the most heat, Cardamom, Chilli Peppers, Cinnamon, Coriander Seeds,
Cumin Seeds, Turmeric.
Herbs and Spices for a well-stocked Spice drawer:
Black Peppercorns. Pepper is a Spice that's familiar to everyone.
Ground Cinnamon. A warm Spice packed with antioxidants, Cinnamon adds
a touch of sweetness to dishes, Chili powder, Hot-red-chili flakes,
Cumin, Ground ginger, Nutmeg, Smoked paprika.
What Spices go well with vegetables:
All of the common and favorite herbs can be used with vegetables. Herbs such as
oregano, basil, parsley, thyme, rosemary, chervil, Tarragon, coriander, Cumin,
dill, ginger, Garlic, lemongrass and curry. Spices such as Cinnamon, nutmeg,
and Cloves can also be added to really Spice up some vegetables.
Which is the largest producer of Spices:
India is aptly named the land of Spices, with it's rich Spice heritage and
production dominance. In addition to being the leading producer and exporter
of Spices in the world, the country has the most prominent domestic Spice
market in the world.
What are the 7 Indian Spices:
The study explores the seven Spices that include Cumin, Clove, coriander,
cinnamon, Turmeric, fenugreek, and cardamom on the basis of culinary uses
as well as medical uses.
11 Essential Spices for Indian Cooking:
Cardamom. There are two kinds of cardamom used in Indian Cooking.
Clove. Clove is a common Spice in Indian Cooking and its anise notes
are easily recognizable in many Indian preparations.
Cassia bark. Cassia bark is an interesting Spice.
Black Pepper. Cumin. Coriander. Nutmeg and mace. Mustard seeds.
Which country is best for Spices:
India. China. Jamaica. Korea. Malaysia. Ethiopia.
Sri Lanka. Once an active part of the Spice trade route,
this country rich history extends to its Spice-laden cuisine too.
Bhutan. Here, green chillies are considered to be as commonplace
as any other vegetable.
What are the top 5 Spices:
Top 10 Spices you should have in your kitchen.
Black Pepper. As the counterpoint to the always-prevalent salt,
black Pepper is a flavorful Spice that tastes good on most savory
dishes in small doses.
Garlic Powder. Even if you choose to use fresh Garlic on a regular basis,
having Garlic powder around can be beneficial too.
Thyme. Cinnamon. Oregano.
All Natural Spices and Herbs:
Vanilla Bean, Madagascar, Whole.
Turmeric, India, Ground.
Thyme, French, Leaves.
Tarragon, French, Leaves.
Shallots, Freeze-Dried, Chopped.
Sesame Seeds, Whole.
Sage, Dalmatian, Rubbed, Leaves.
Saffron Strands, Spanish Mancha, Whole.
What Spices are anti Inflammatory:
Turmeric. Ginger. Cinnamon. Garlic.
Cayenne. Black Pepper. Clove.
6 Supplements That Fight Inflammation:
Alpha-Lipoic Acid. Alpha-lipoic acid is a Fatty acid made by your body.
CurCumin. CurCumin is a component of the Spice Turmeric.
Fish Oil. Fish oil supplements contain omega-3 Fatty acids, which are vital to good health.
Ginger. Resveratrol. Spirulina.
Wishing you all the best,