Tamarind Paste Making

Tamarind Paste Making:
Tamarind Pulp is edible. People use the Tamarind Pulp in preparing different types of food.
It is used as the pickling agent. Basically, Tamarind has a sour taste. Tamarind Paste
has many culinary uses including a Flavoring for chutneys, curries, and the traditional
sharbat syrup drink.
Ingredients in Tamarind Paste: There are two common
substitutes for Tamarind Paste—one is a combination of vinegar and Sugar and the other
is fresh lime juice.
Is Tamarind Paste the same as Tamarind sauce:
Normally Tamarind Paste and Tamarind concentrate are the same product. They come
in jars and are thick and smooth but spoonable. There is a type of Tamarind that
comes in a block, usually called Tamarind Pulp, which is different and is made from
the skinned whole Fruits.
How to use Tamarind Paste Concentrate:
Simply reconstitute the thick Paste with water. Add 2 parts water to 1 part concentrate
and stir until combined. Measure and use in any recipe calling for Tamarind Paste.
If your recipe calls for 3 tablespoons of Tamarind Paste, mix 1 tablespoon of Tamarind
concentrate and 2 tablespoons of water.
Can I freeze Tamarind Paste: Making Tamarind Paste
is incredibly easy and takes only 15 minutes of hands-on time. It will keep for up
3-4 weeks in the fridge and can be frozen in ice cube trays or plastic freezer
bags for 3-4 months.
Side effects of Tamarind: Dry eyes. Early research
shows that eye drops containing Tamarind seed extract might improve symptoms of dry eye.
Constipation, Colds, Fever, Liver and gallbladder problems, Stomach disorders,
Pregnancy-related nausea, Intestinal worms.
Can you Boil Tamarind: Steps to Make It: After the
water comes to a rolling Boil, remove it from the heat and place the inner portion of
the Tamarind and the Sugar in the water. Let the Tamarind soak for about 1 hour and
30 minutes. At this point, the water will have cooled down.
What does Tamarind go with: Cooking with Tamarind.
This tart tropical Fruit, also known as Indian date, brings an appealing pucker to
marinades, sauces, stir-fries and refreshing drinks. In the West Indies, where Tamarind
also grows, it is used frequently in Fruit drinks. Tamarind makes a great secret
barbeque sauce and marinade ingredient.
Heart health: Tamarind is great for your heart
because it lowers blood cholesterol and blood pressure. In fact, it has also been
shown to have a positive effect in reducing harmful LDL cholesterol. The potassium
content in Imli helps lower blood pressure, while the Vitamin C in it neutralises
harmful free radicals.
Good to eat Tamarind everyday: The Pulp is rich
in calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine and riboflavin and a good source of niacin.
You should try adding Tamarind to your daily diet because Tamarind has many health
benefits that are sure to keep you healthy and improve you overall health.
Does Tamarind lighten skin: To naturally
improve your skin tone and make it even, use Tamarind, it also removes blemishes
and any kind of scars. It is also a great skin whitening agent and is considered
the best because it causes no damage while whitening. Use As Face Mask Grind
a piece of Tamarind and add milk to make a Paste.
Tamarind juice good for Liver: The polyphenols
in Tamarind have antioxidant and Anti Inflammatory properties. These can protect
against diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. The seed extract may
also help lower blood Sugar, while the Pulp extract may help you lose body weight
and reverse fatty Liver disease.
How do you store Tamarind Paste for a long period:
Cool the Tamarind Paste completely and store it in a clean dry glass jar. Refrigerate
and use within a month.
Induces weight loss: Tamarind has one of
the most important compounds known as Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which is connected
to weight loss as it inhibits an enzyme in the body that specifically helps store fat.
Tamarind seeds are Not poisonous: Tamarind seeds
can turn fatal if they are cooked or stored in unhygienic conditions. Tamarind seeds
are also known to cause Weaver's Cough or a sense of constriction of the chest if
consumed in the powdered form.
How to soak Tamarind: To prepare compresses block
Tamarind, tear off the equivalent of 15ml and soak it in 150ml warm water for 10 minutes.
Mix it together and strain through a fine sieve. Throw away the Pulp and use the liquid.
To use Tamarind slices, soak them in 150ml warm water for about 30 minutes.
How to Eat Tamarind Fruit: Crack the pod open,
Pull off the string, Break off a piece and eat it like a cherry, chewing around the pit,
without actually eating the seed. It can be a bit sticky, well worth it.
How to separate Tamarind seeds: Soak the Tamarind
(with seeds and at times fibers is fine too) in hot water for 15-20 minutes. 2. Use
your fingers to squeeze them and separate the flesh from the seeds.
Tamarind powder: Tamarind Powder is a unique,
sour spice typically used in Indian or other Asian savory cuisine to balance rich,
spicy Flavor profiles. It is also commonly used in many snacks, candies, beverages
and sauces.
How to store Tamarind: After opening, store pods
tightly wrapped or capped in the refrigerator, it will stay good for at least three
months. Simply cut off the amount you want to use with a sharp, heavy knife. Well
wrapped, frozen, unsweetened Tamarind Pulp keeps indefinitely in the freezer.
Tamarind Paste out of blocks: Instead of using
a ready-made concentrate, which can be bitter, cooks make a Paste from blocks of
pure Tamarind Pulp. Here's how to do it. Place an 8-oz. block of Tamarind Pulp
in a nonreactive bowl; add 2 cups Boiling water and let sit 30 minutes.
Is Tamarind sweet or sour: Tamarind is the
Fruit pod of a tree native to Asia and northern Africa, according to "The New
Food Lover's Companion," which describes Tamarind's "sour-sweet" Flavor as
being akin to lemons, apricots and dates.
Is Tamarind good for hair:
Anti-Inflammatory: The antiseptic and anti-Inflammatory properties of Tamarind make
it a good solution for preventing skin diseases such as eczema. Stronger hair:
Tamarind makes the hair strong and prevents hair fall.
Tamarind good for sleep: Indonesia Tamarind has
been known to help an individual sleep with its high content of magnesium, which is
a mineral that is directly linked to improving the quality, duration, and tranquility
of sleep. Indonesia Tamarind also helps regulate the metabolism, to help reduce sleep
disorders and the occurrence of insomnia.
Tamarind boost fertility: Maca helps to balance
the hormones, increase eggs and sperm health and increase sperm count, while also
being a tonic for the endocrine system.
Tamarind Paste good for face: Tamarind Pulp contains
alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), which are known for their exfoliating properties. They unclog
the pores, reduce age-related spots and blemishes, and keep your skin clear (1), (2).
It also has an anti-aging effect on your skin. This is due to the presence of alpha
hydroxy acids in Tamarind (3).
Tamarind is a Skin Lightening Agent: Tamarind's
juice can be really helpful in lightening your skin tone and brightening it up. Clean
up a few Tamarind pieces, soak them in hot water for 10 minutes. After extracting
the Pulp mix it with ½ tsp of turmeric powder and apply on your face for 15 minutes.
Wishing you all the best,