Teflon Manufacturing

Teflon Manufacturing:
Production of Teflon is a long process. The process starts, purified water is poured
in a reaction chamber. There is a reaction initiator (Iron) that will form the
Polymer. A liquid called tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) is put in a reaction chamber
through a pipe.
Once TFE comes in contact with the initiator, it starts to form a Polymer. This is
called Polymerization. This then becomes polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). In this
substance, there are some solid grains that are formed, these grains float on
top of water. As they float, the reaction chamber is shaken. Then, PTFE is
put into a mill after being dried to be pulverized.
After Pulverization: the Teflon Powder has
the consistency of wheat flour yet the material is unable to be fed into a mill
because it still has lumps and air bubbles, because of this the manufacturers
must turn the Teflon Powder into small pellets by using a process
called "Agglomeration".
Agglomeration: can be done in several different
ways but most manufacturers prefer to used acetone (a solvent of Teflon) and
tumble the Teflon in a large drum, to form small pellets of Teflon.
The Teflon Pellets: are `wet` so the pellets
are placed in a large oven and baked until Dry. The Dry Teflon pellets can then
be Molded into any form the manufacturer may choose by using a variety of
techniques. However the Teflon is often sold to other manufacturers in bulk pre-Molded
into large blocks often called billets. These blocks may be up to 1.5 m tall.
To make Billets: Teflon pellets are dumped
in bulk into a large cylinder stainless steel Mold. The Mold is placed in a
hydraulic press. The press' arm or ram pushes the Mold and the Teflon.
Later the Mold is removed from the press and the Teflon is removed. Lastly the
newly formed billet is put into a large oven for a process called sintering.
Once the large block of Teflon is placed in the sintering oven for many hours,
it gradually reaches a warm temperature around 360°C.
Finished Product:
Even though this is far above the melting point of Teflon the Tefloon holds
together fairly well and soon the particles collect and the material becomes
gel-like fluid substance glowing a faint red. Once the Billet cools it will be
shiped to other customers/manufacturers that will process it further
for a finished product.
Best examples of Teflon: Battery Cable covers,
Water Pipes flexible, Teflon package covers, Teflon Tapes.
How is Teflon manufactured:
Polytetrafluoroethylene, also known as Teflon®, is made with four ingredients
fluorspar, hydrofluoric acid, chloroform, and water, which are combined in a
chemical reaction chamber heated to between 1094-1652°F (590-900°C).
Creating PTFE involves 2 main phases and a series of reactions.
Where is Teflon produced:
China, So while Teflon began as a quintessentially American brand, China now
manufactures most of the world's supply of the slippery substance, which is
used in dental floss, textile fibers, wire and cable insulation, and hundreds
of other products, including nonstick cookware.
Is Teflon still being manufactured:
PFOA and some closely related chemicals (such as PFOS) are now no longer made
in the US, although they are still made in some other countries and could
potentially reach US consumers in certain types of products.
What is Teflon material:
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is a synthetic fluoropolymer of tetrafluoroethylene
that has numerous applications. The well-known brand name of PTFE-based formulas
is Teflon by Chemours. Chemours was a spin-off from DuPont, which originally
discovered the compound in 1938.
Note: This is our information to give a
thought in you, for this business initiation, even though please have practical
experience or basic educaion regarding this, before starting this business.
First step, if you have a details project report for this, you can go happily
to start this.
Wishing you all the best,