
Turpentine (which is also called spirit of Turpentine, oil of Turpentine,
wood Turpentine, terebenthene, terebinthine and (colloquially), turps) is
a fluid obtained by the distillation of Resin harvested from living Trees,
mainly pines.
The Resinous extract obtained from coniferous Trees, particularly form Pinus.
Turpentines are semifluid substances consisting of Resins dissolved in a volatile
oil; this mixture is separable by various distillation techniques.
Volatile Portion:
Volatile portion called Oil of Turpentine, a nonvolatile portion called rosin.
Oil of Turpentine is a colourless, odorous, Oily, flammable, water-immiscible
liquid with a hot. It is a good solvent for sulphur, Resins, phosphorus, waxes,
oils and rubber.
It hardens upon exposure to air:
Largest use for Turpentine Oil was as a paint and varnish solvent. Oil Painters
prefer it as a paint Thinner and brush cleaner to petroleum solvents. Largest
use of Turpentine Oil is now in the chemical industry, as a raw material in
the synthesis of Resins, Oil additives, Insecticides, and Synthetic Pine
Oil and Camphor.
Used as a Rubber Solvent:
Turpentine Oil is used as a rubber solvent in the manufacture of Plastics.
Turpentine Oil is produced in countries that have vast tracts of Pine Trees.
Turpentine Oil is classified according it is produced. Sulfate Turpentine,
used in chemicals industry, is obtained as a by product of the Kraft, or Sulfate,
process of cooking wood Pulp in the course of the manufacture of Kraft paper.
Shredded Bits of Pine Wood:
Wood Turpentine is obtained by the steam distillation of dead, shredded bits of Pine
wood, gum Turpentine results from the distillation of the living Pine tree obtained
by tapping. Crude Turpentine obtained from the living Pine by tapping typically
contains 65% gum rosin and 18% gum Turpentine.
What type of Trees yield the Resin used to produce Turpentine:
Turpentine is a volatile Oil and is distilled from Pine Resin, which is obtained
by tapping Trees of the genus Pinus. The solid material which is left behind after
distillation is known as rosin.
Is Turpentine still available:
Turpentine production is alive and well in the USA.
What is Turpentine Resin:
Turpentine Oil is made from the Resin of certain Pine Trees. It is used as medicine.
Don't confuse Turpentine Oil with gum Turpentine, which is the Resin. Turpentine
oil is applied to the skin for joint pain, muscle pain, nerve pain, and toothaches.
Is Turpentine Toxic to humans:
Turpentine is thought to be only mildly Toxic when used according to manufacturers
recommendations. It can pass through the skin. Some people develop an allergy to
Turpentine when exposed to it for a long time. Turpentine exposure causes eye
irritation, headache, dizziness and vomiting.
Is Turpentine an Antifungal:
phaseolicola (Psp), respectively. The highest dose, 200 µg/ml, of Turpentine Oil
was the most effective Antifungal dose. This is the first report on antiBacterial
and Antifungal effects of Turpentine Oil against plant Bacterial and fungal pathogens.
Is Pine Oil and Turpentine the same:
Pine Oil is distinguished from other products from Pine, such as Turpentine,
the low-boiling fraction from the distillation of Pine sap, and rosin, the thick
tar remaining after Turpentine is distilled. Chemically, Pine Oil consists mainly
of a-terPineol and other cyclic terpene alcohols.
Is Turpentine a Thinner:
The basic difference between a Thinner and Turpentine is that the Thinner is a
liquid mostly used for thinning the consistency of another liquid while Turpentine
is a kind of volatile essential Oil (extracted from the Pine Trees wood by steam
distillation) used as a solvent and paint Thinner.
Does Pine Oil kill Bacteria:
Pure Pine 20 Disinfectant is 20% Pine Oil. It kills a variety of viruses and
Bacteria, including Escherichia Coli, Salmonella , H1N1, HIV-1 and a variety
of other viruses and Bacteria that cause illness.
Is Turpentine Flammable:
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) flammability rating for
Turpentine is 3, which means it is extremely flammable and a serious fire
hazard. Heat, exposure to air in a confined space, and sources of ignition
may all cause instability or spontaneous ignition.
Does Turpentine Evaporate:
Turpentine is the traditional solvent used in the Oil painting. It a tree
Resin and has a very fast evaporation rate; it also releases harmful Vapors
and can absorbed through healthy skin. The gummy residue of Turpentine left
after evaporation is harmless, though Turpentine is best when its fresh.
Is it bad to smell Turpentine:
Turpentine is Toxic, and can kill you. Even short term exposure can have
really bad effects, such as asphyxiation. However, long term exposure has
not been proven to cause CANCER.
How do you get rid of Turpentine smell:
Tip. Open up doors and windows to provide ventilation to the area.
Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on the Turpentine spill area
and leave for an hour. Vacuum up the baking soda with a standard vacuum
cleaner. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary until the smell is gone.
Is Turpentine Toxic to humans:
Turpentine is poisonous if swallowed. Children and adults can die from drinking
Turpentine. Fortunately, Turpentine causes taste and odor problems before
reaching Toxic levels in humans. Turpentine is thought to be only mildly
Toxic when used according to manufacturers recommendations.
What does Turpentine mean:
(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a yellow to brown semifluid oleoResin obtained as an exudate
from the terebinth. b : an oleoResin obtained from various conifers
(as some pines and firs) 2a : an essential oil obtained from Turpentines by
distillation and used especially as a solvent and thinner.
Is Turpentine a disinfectant:
Due to the antiseptic properties of Turpentine oil, it can be found in many
sanitary and cleaning products, such as disinfectants, cleansing agents, and
other products with pine scents. In the absence of gas or oil, Turpentine can
be used in burning lamps.
What can you clean with Turpentine:
Stain Remover. Turpentine oil is one of the most effective products for stain
removal. Ceramic bathtubs, sinks, toilets, and fixtures in the home typically
develop stains with usage. Mix Turpentine and table salt in equal parts to
make a highly effective cleaning aid.
Is Turpentine used for removing Grease stain:
Turpentine is commonly found in paint and hardware stores and in art supply
houses. Most often used as a thinner for oil-base paints, it is effective on
paint and Grease stains, but it must be used carefully.
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