
Hi, this is Ganesh from Hyderabad, INDIA.
Previously I worked in software technologies, 30 Years of experience. I have been developing this since 15 years.
Working individually, Especially this is the website for multiple business ideas.
I put in this website, Articles, Digital Marketing, E-Business, E-Books, Financial, Life Style,
SEO Tips, Software Tips, Tech News etc. I want to give a hope in them about fundamental ideas.
I used technologies front-end HTML, for functional work PHP, Back-end Database Mysql, Web pages provided in HTML,
PHP, Mysql, Blogging, Cloud Computing, ERP, CRM, SCM, basic information to get awareness, for overall view.
I did not put any login, password setup. Everyone can view and get the details, directly for their individual interest.
I provided one page Description to get an idea at a glance for browsers, about all types of technologies.
Location: Hyderabad, INDIA.
Chief Blogger: Boyina Venkata Ganesh.
Address: Plot # 322-B, PS Gardens, Bandla Guda, Keesara Mandal, Medchal District,
State: TELANGANA, Country: INDIA. PIN Code: 501 301.
Email: bvg1108@gmail.com
Website URL: http://www.seeyourneeds.in
Contact Mobile: (+91) 9492 08 1965.
Terms and Conditions: Open access to all, Login: No Login/Password, it is open to all.
Website Name: See Your Needs. URL: http://www.seeyourneeds.in
Wishing you all the best.