Palm Trees

Palm Trees:
Palm Fruit is yet another economic Crop that as great value. Owning a Palm Fruit
Plantation is a lifetime investment. You are like going to generate income from
your Palm Fruit Plantation for as long as possible.
Palm Trees and Palm Fruits:
Are used in the production of creams, to Palm Oil, to Palm Wines, to chemicals,
to brooms and craft Works etc. If you have access to a large portion of land
in an area with sOil composition and climatic conditions that supports the
Growth of Palm Trees, then one of your best options is to go into the
cultivation of Palm Fruits.
For Palm Fruits good market is there:
You can get the market Centers information through Smart phones also. Get the
market information and get good price.
How long does it take a Palm Tree to bear Fruit:
4 to 8 years. Date Palms can take 4 to 8 years after Planting before they will
bear Fruit, and start producing viable yields for Commercial harvest
between 7 and 10 years.
How many Palm Trees can you Plant per acre:
55 Palms. 1 acre is generally Planted with 55 Palms. 1 hectare is generally
Planted with 135 Palms. 1 acre of mature Palm can generally produce an
average 0.8 MT of Fresh Fruit Bunch/month.
How long does it take for a Palm Tree to Grow 10 feet:
Some Palm Trees can Grow 2 or 3 feet a year and reach 10 feet in height in 3 to 4 years.
How can I make my Palm Tree Grow Faster:
If you are Growing your own Palm Trees there is a way to make them Grow Faster,
thus producing more Quality Fruit.
Create a micro-environment for your Palm Trees to enhance Faster Growth.
Place the Trees in a warm location.
Increase the rate of Growth for your Palm Trees by providing extra nutrients
and carbon dioxide.
How much space does a Palm Tree need:
Spacing the queen Palms to a minimum of 20 feet allows each root system
to have ample room for pulling nutrients and Water from the sOil. A good
rule of thumb for estimating your root system's width is measuring the
Tree trunk diameter in feet.
What is the best sOil for Palm Trees:
SOil Needs. Light and well-drained sOils are imperative for healthy Palm Tree
Growth. Sand-based sOil, like sandy loam, provides the best earth environment
for spreading Palm roots because Palms do not like compacted sOils with few
air pockets, such as clay.
Do Palm Trees Grow forever:
Palm Tree, depending on its species and variety, has a maximum height, of which
it might Grow slightly taller or shorter depending on care. After it reaches
this height, it is not going to Grow any taller, so there is no chance a Palm
can Grow to be too tall for itself it can not Grow indefinitely.
Can you Plant Palm Trees close to your house:
You shouldn't Plant a Palm Tree, or any other Tree for that matter,
too close to your home. The canopy of a Palm Tree should be able to fully
spread out and clear a roofline. And, even though Palm roots are not known
to cause damage to concrete or pipes, you don't want them crowding any structure.
How do you start a Palm Trees:
Look For Suitable Land. Germinate Your Own Seeds.
Planting Your Seedlings. Spacing Palm Oil Tree Plantation. Right Density.
The Proper Pegging Measurement.
How long does it take a Palm tree to bear fruit:
3 or 4 years after it has been Planted. During that time the Grower must
spend money and work hard, without harvesting any fruit or earning any money.
How many Palm trees are in a hectare:
Plant density is about 150 trees per hectare.
Is Palm Oil Plantation profitable:
How Profitable Is Palm Oil Business: The Palm Oil yield per hectare is
estimated at 8 tons per year at most. Additionally, the profit farmers make
per hectare is around 3.4tons per year. There are other factors that also
affect the profitability of your Palm Oil business such as the effect of pests
and other diseases.
How long does Palm trees take to Grow:
The first factor in calculating the rate at which your Palm tree will Grow depends
on the specific species of your Palm tree. While several different Palm trees can
Grow as much as 2 to 3-feet per year, others can take several years to reach their
peak of only five feet.
How much does a real Palm tree cost:
In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $15 to $800 for a Palm tree depending
on the species and its size. How much should you be prepared to spend, then, if you
want to introduce a Palm to your lawn:
What is the best sOil for Palm trees:
SOil. The best sOil for Palm trees Growing in pots is a loose, porous sOil mix,
such as a combo of peat moss, leaf mold, and shredded bark. You can also buy cactus
and Palm sOil mix specifically made for Growing Palm Plants; otherwise, they will
Grow just fine in a general-purpose Commercial potting sOil.
Do Palm trees stop Growing:
A Palm tree will not Grow once the top has been cut off.
They are what is known as a monocotyledon Plant which makes them more closely
related to grass or flowering Plants than trees. If you remove it, the Palm tree
will not continue to Grow. The stump will dry out and die.
Do Palm trees need lots of water:
Palms like moist sOil, which means watering several times a week is usually required.
When you are Planting a Palm in your garden, you will want to water the tree every
day for the first week. The second week, water every other day. After that, plan
to water two or three times a week.
What is the best fertilizer for Palm trees:
A slow-release fertilizer made for Palms will deliver the perfect amount of nutrients
over several months' time. So, your tree will get lots of nitrogen and potassium as
well as small amounts of other nutrients, like magnesium, manganese and iron.
What Palm trees Grow the fastest:
Given the right conditions – rich sOil and a warm, moist climate – the Carpentaria
can shoot upwards at a rate of 6ft a year. That makes it among the fastest-Growing
Palms – and the fastest-Growing of all trees.
What are the benefits of Palm trees:
The woody stem of the leaves is strong and is used as fuel or building material,
the leaves themselves can be recycled in the Palm Plantation as mulch, or can be
used as a base for weaving baskets, and sometimes the leaf as a whole is used in
fences and temporary constructions.
Where do Palm trees Grow best:
Most Palm trees Grow in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. They
occur from about 44° northern latitude to about 44° southern latitude. The dwarf
Palm (Chamaerops humilis) occurs in southern France, the Nikau (Rhopalostylis sapida)
is a species of Palm Growing in New Zealand.
Should I cut off Brown Palm leaves:
Palms replace their leaves throughout the Growing season. Cut leaves that are
entirely brown or yellow at the base – near the stem or at the sOil. Be sure not
to tug the leaves, as this can damage healthy parts of the Plant. If only part
of the leaf is brown or yellow, remove only the affected area.
Are coffee grounds good for Palm trees:
Tea and coffee grounds have substances that promote Plant Growth and health,
as well as repelling pests. Similarly, you may ask, are coffee grinds good for
Palm trees. I collect used coffee grounds from work, dry them and sprinkle
them around my Palms, whether in pots or ground.
Wishing you all the best,