
Several Organic wastes normally used as composting materials. It includes animal
excreta, kitchen waste, farm residues and forest litter etc. In general, mostly
cow dung and dried crop residues are the key raw materials.
There are different species of Earthworms is preferred because of its high
multiplication rate and thereby converts the Organic matter into Vermicompost
within 50 days.
Manufacturing Process:
*Initially, you need to gather agro waste.
*Cut them into small pieces by hand-operated cutting machine.
*Unit should be in a cool, moist and shady site.
*Beds material size 6x3x3 feet approximate should be made.
*Agro waste material is then arranged in layers at the Vermicompost bed.
*Prepare 6” layer of biodegradable agro waste at the bottom of the bed.
*Apply 1” layer of cow dung on it to decompose the agro waste for 20 days.
*Cover with cow dung slurry with 3” layer of Farm Yard Manure.
*Apply earth worm on the upper layer of bed.
*Water should be sprinkled, after the release of worms.
*Beds should be kept by a sprinkling of water (daily) and covering with gunny bags.
*The bed should be turned once after 25 days for proper decomposition.
*Compost will get ready in days.
Market Opportunity: Vermicompost has good
sale potential over a range of crops i.e. agricultural, horticultural, Vegetables
etc. Direct sale to end users includes farmers in nearby cities and municipalities.
Bulk sale to producers and distributors needs Vermicompost as one of its
primary components. Market in urban areas due to the popularity among the
rich residing in villages and residential areas.
How do you make Vermicompost:
Procedure To prepare compost, either a plastic or a concrete Tank can be used.
Collect the biomass and place it under the sun for about 8-12 days.
Prepare a cow dung slurry and sprinkle it on the heap for quick decomposition.
Add a layer (2 – 3 inch) of Soil or sand at the bottom of the Tank.
Is Vermicompost a Fertilizer:
Containing water-soluble nutrients, Vermicompost is a nutrient-rich Organic
Fertilizer and Soil conditioner in a form that is relatively easy for plants
to absorb. Worm castings are sometimes used as an Organic Fertilizer.
What Vermicomposting means:
Vermicompost (or Worm Compost) the process of using Earthworms to breakdown
kitchen and garden waste, to create a faster than normal composting.
What are the benefits of Vermicompost:
Benefits of Vermicompost:
Improves Soil aeration.
Enriches Soil with micro-Organisms.
Microbial activity in worm castings is 10 to 20 times higher than in the Soil
and Organic matter that the worm ingests.
Attracts deep-burrowing Earthworms already present in the Soil.
Improves water holding capacity.
What is the cost of Vermicompost:
The non-producers were farmers with few of them Vermicompost users. The total
cost of production was Rs. 15.68 per kg compost and was Rs. 0.40 per Earthworm.
How many years do worms live:
At birth, Earthworms emerge small but fully formed, lacking only their sex
structures which develop in about 60 to 90 days. They attain full size in
about one year. Scientists predict that the average lifespan under field
conditions is four to eight years, while most garden varieties live only
one to two years.
Use of Vermicompost in Vegetables:
In Organic farming, it has shown the best results among all the other Fertilizers.
All kinds of Fruiting, underground and leafy Vegetables can be grown by using
Vermicompost as a primary Fertilizer, whether grown in containers
or on raised beds.
How does Vermicomposting benefit the environment:
Vermicomposting lets us recycle just like nature does. A Vermicompost bin
mimics natural processes, allowing Organic waste to break down into nutrient-rich
compost, which can be returned to the Soil to help new things grow. Leachate
can pollute our Soil and water sources.
Will Salt kill worms:
Earthworms do not have a respiratory system. They breathe through their skin.
If Salt is sprinkled on an Earthworm, the high concentration of Salt outside
the skin causes loss of water through osmosis. As a result, Earthworm gets
dehydrated very rapidly and dies.
Wishing you all the best,